Hey Wul...

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  1. #1
    Big Brake Kit Big Gordy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Falkirk, Scotland
    "Tweaked" Mini ONE
    Did you see fifth gear last night:question: They had a guy on it who's occupation was cleaning/polishing supercars He had a tub of polish that costs 6 grand Special Brazilian Carnobba wax he said. His top of the range service would set you back £6000...eeeeeeeeeeeeeck :approve:
    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison

    Mutley - May 2003 Chili Red 'One'

  2. #2
    Saw it in the paper Gordy but missed it - it's repeated tonight though - aye that's a dear tup of wax!

  3. #3
    Big Brake Kit zimbo's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Planet earth...
    I wouldnt mind rubbing my hands all over those bodies....

  4. #4
    The King Of Shine ianking's Avatar
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    Penicuik , Midlothian, United Kingdom
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    What time and what channel is it on tonight if it is repeated

  5. #5
    the guys puts it on by hand, apparently it only takes it's wax form when it's in contact with the car - no idea how that works!

    Apparently if any of his customers calls him and their cars has been attacked by our feathered friends, he'll jump in the van to clean it up!

    It's on at midnight tonight on channel 5.

  6. #6
    It looked like he was using a sponge
    Plus no two bucket method tut tut.

  7. #7
    aye i saw it too, although i think they were probably there just to look at the maserati rather than pay attention to what he was doing :P

    although if you remember when jeremy clarkson had that clip in top gear with him opening a local swimming pool by launching his second hand rolls royce into it, he had that wax, which is so pure they claim its edible, he ate a bit of pulled one of his usual daft faces...

  8. #8
    james f
    buy edible i think they mean it wont kill you if you eat it edbile dosent always taste nice i mean they claim broccoli is edible

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