Quote Originally Posted by ELFMAN View Post
Bit late as usual, but just read this about ‘official’ Mini screenwash. Utter B*ll*cks. I’ve never used anything other than ‘generic’ skoosh juice in ANY car I’ve owned, and that includes 3 Minis from 2001 till now, and had absolutely no issues with clogged pipes etc, we’ll not on the car anyway! Just another Cunning Plan for the manufacturer to screw every penny they can by creating an unfounded ‘worry’. If still in doubt, ask Crombers, he’s the ‘Man with the CarPlan’
Yep, I went ahead and used *cough* Halfords *cough* blue goo. I did run a couple litres of water first to flush any remaining residue just incase it reacted. But needless to say, it has been totally fine thus far