Ha ha ha, yeah baby!
Only joshing. You'll do it in your own time (should you desire more power...)!
Be interesting to see what the map etc do.
I'm keen to mess further, but shouldn't really as I need to resolve my suspension issues (ST XTAs not configured/offered for a GP!) and I'm really wanting to swap my KTM for a different model that I saw at NEC...I'll get lynched for anything I do!
Just get it done T - who wears the trousers ......! Oh aye, your in shorts :) lol
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Save your money buy not buying a BVH and treat the Panda Conv to some new cutting blades instead.
The grass will start growing again in a few weeks.
....jus' sayin'.
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^^^ PMSL Pete ever heard the saying "don't poke the bear ?" ...
BVH indeed ... I might be tempted by that !
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You only need two tools in life WD40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should use WD40 and if it moves and shouldn't use Duct Tape.
The Bear is very far away at the mo.....
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Craig what size injectors did you go for ?
New sig coming soon
550cc ones Rob
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