power steering fault

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  1. #1
    ive got an intermittent fault on my r53 with the power steering,it goes from working fine to then no power steering and back again which is really annoying and a bit unsafe,i was told that there was a recall for this style of mini for exactly this kind of problem which apparently is a very common fault,does anyone know if the pump etc were subject to a recall on these shores as it was in the USA,ANY INFO APPRECIATED,THANKS

  2. #2
    One half of Gobi and Sahara EcosseGP's Avatar
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    Yeah there was a recall in the UK market too I believe .. I'm not sure what was covered under the warranty though. Your best bet would be to establish what exactly the problem is and then approach MINI with your issue and see what they can sort for you ...
    You only need two tools in life WD40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should use WD40 and if it moves and shouldn't use Duct Tape.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MiniiGP View Post
    Yeah there was a recall in the UK market too I believe .. I'm not sure what was covered under the warranty though. Your best bet would be to establish what exactly the problem is and then approach MINI with your issue and see what they can sort for you ...
    thanks mate,its a bit of a grey area,some say its up to ten yr old cars with low mileage,its just typical,ive hardly had a problem in 18 months then 2 in the space of a fortnight,what is it they say about buses? lol

  4. #4
    One half of Gobi and Sahara EcosseGP's Avatar
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    Always the same the garage had one in last week with the same issue and on speaking to MINI they replaced the power steering pump under warranty. That was an 04 plate
    You only need two tools in life WD40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should use WD40 and if it moves and shouldn't use Duct Tape.

  5. #5
    Pantomime Villain & Car Plan Ambassador Crombers's Avatar
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    Had mine replaced as a goodwill gesture in 2009, MINI paid for the replacement pump & I paid for the labour (£95 iirc).
    The car was still under TLC XL at that point, which may/may not have helped my case.

    Will search through the archives for the original post.

    Steering rack & column were also replaced under warranty prior to the 3 year warranty expiry date

    R50 Cooper ..... Mini Plant Oxford

    19 years of MINIfascination

  6. #6
    im a bit worried about the chance of an accident with this fault,if anyone knows any dealer selling a new power steering pump for a reasonable price could you message this thread pls,many thanks.

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