Battery Terminal Bolt

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  1. #1
    This is maybe a long shot.....

    Does anyone have one of these lying about, After getting the car back from the garage they had disconnected the sound system cable(with snips) So went to refit it today an found out why they cut the cable. The live side wasn't very tight an this is the result

    Stripped threads and bmw want me to buy the whole terminal when i only need the bolt.

    Plz help
    Thanx in advance

  2. #2
    Just go to a breakers and get one of a motor. Loads of cars use the same bolt. I did the same and manages to get one off a newish fiesta.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack678 View Post
    Just go to a breakers and get one of a motor. Loads of cars use the same bolt. I did the same and manages to get one off a newish fiesta.
    Cheers mate, Just found the same bolt on a Bora and a Bmw e46.

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