Another F1 sham

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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Absolutely disgusting
    I noticed this thread but didn't read it before i could watch the delayed broadcast here in the USA, Alonso should be banned from racing and the Ferrari team should be thrown out.
    I'm a long time Ferarri supporter but no longer want to be associated with them from a fan stand point.

    A sad day for motorsport

  2. #12
    Bob the belter stoney's Avatar
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    shocking should be some kind of backlash for that !!!!!! they should be alowed to race not be told let your team mate thro !!!!!
    New sig coming soon

  3. #13
    MINI Nutter N16SHP's Avatar
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    The way I see it, is I agree with DC and Eddie that the rules are there in black and white NO TEAM ORDERS. But without question team orders take place. I believe had Felipe let Alonso close in on him and make it look like an overtake maybe a controlled 'duel' for a couple of corners, however he was so incredibly disgusted by the whole thing, I think he made it deliberately obvious that there were team orders in play.

    I'm not really a huge Massa fan, nor Alonso for that matter, but I feel for Felipe that he has been robbed. You could see how awkward it was for Alonso and Felipe as they stood talking about it. My biggest hope, is that Alonso fails to finish the next two races or finishes way down the points, and we'll see Massa standing there grinning saying I told you so! It's still far too early for team orders IMO!
    MINI F56 Cooper in Deep Blue with black roof and caps.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    I'm not a gambler BUT if I was and I had a bet on the race result and lost because of team orders I would be mighty p!ssed off, this is no different to a boxer rigging a fight!!

  5. #15
    I really don't like Ferrari, nor do I like being treated like a fool by a pr bod. Shocking decision making by Ferrari today. Alonso should hang his head in shame.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by euan View Post
    I really don't like Ferrari, nor do I like being treated like a fool by a pr bod. Shocking decision making by Ferrari today. Alonso should hang his head in shame.
    Is it Alonso's fault though is he not just obeying team orders.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    MOTO GP is on telly now, no team orders..

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by GCA3N View Post
    Is it Alonso's fault though is he not just obeying team orders.
    Alonso made his point clearly on the radio, he wanted them to get massa out of the way. He doesn't like fast team mates, hurts his ego.

    It's like Ferrari have learned nothing though, the deepest days of f1 were blatant team orders, nearly all by Ferrari to let schumi win. Ruined it for me!

  9. #19
    The Dogfather
    Ferrari are a disgrace to the sport and Alonso isn't as good as he thinks he is.

    He was out-performed by Hamilton at Mclaren and cried foul, and today he was out-performed by Massa and cried foul, the difference being Mclaren stood up to the little prima donna.

  10. #20
    Alonso isn't as good as he thinks he is.
    Tottally Agree, 8 out of 10 fails in F1 contain elements of Alonso.

    was gutting myself at the post race footage with Jake/DC and Jordan, Top Laugh

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