Chris Knox...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Glasgow, United Kingdom
    Answered your posts about Knockhill on Sunday, saying I was the lady who bothered you several times in the paddock, and you let the boys sit in your car (made their day by the way.) Thanks for that!!

    Well done on your races too, think you have a talent

    Just been on the hillclimb and sprint forum, and seen you on there too!! How did you get on at Doune then? That was my favourite hill. I competed in the sprints and hillclimbs for 11 years before a neck injury forced me to hang up my helmet (at the end of 2002 I think)...

    Piccy of my car here:

    Go on then, scare me, what's your fastest time up Doune? Mine was 51.99. It's funny that I remember that one, and have no idea about any of the other tracks like Kames, Ingliston (it was still there!), Knockhill, Golspie, Rumster, East Fortune, etc etc etc

  2. #2
    JCW Upgrade Knox18's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R56 JCW and various race MINI's
    Quote Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
    Answered your posts about Knockhill on Sunday, saying I was the lady who bothered you several times in the paddock, and you let the boys sit in your car (made their day by the way.) Thanks for that!!

    Well done on your races too, think you have a talent

    Just been on the hillclimb and sprint forum, and seen you on there too!! How did you get on at Doune then? That was my favourite hill. I competed in the sprints and hillclimbs for 11 years before a neck injury forced me to hang up my helmet (at the end of 2002 I think)...

    Piccy of my car here:

    Go on then, scare me, what's your fastest time up Doune? Mine was 51.99. It's funny that I remember that one, and have no idea about any of the other tracks like Kames, Ingliston (it was still there!), Knockhill, Golspie, Rumster, East Fortune, etc etc etc


    yeh that was no problem, woo hoo ive got a wee fan club!

    thanks it was a good weekend for me!

    yeh ive been doin the hills for 1.5 years now in class A2, upto 1800cc road saloons. doune well the times ive had a crack at it in the dry havent been that many but last weekend my first practice run was a 50.43 in a 130hp ax

    the next 2 runs were quicker but i pulled 5th coming off east brae and the last run i hit the barrier when the throttle stuck open into the last corner, hit left and right and still did a 50.53 hahaha! so if i wasnt hungover i would of done a high 49 which is insane for a fwd tin top :P

    id love to have a crack at doune in a caterham / westfield!!!!

    forrestburn i managed 0.02 off the hill record in august 2007 on old tyres! infact its the same tyres i used to do doune last weekend haha!

    i won the class by 2 secs or something, cant remember

    you should come along to doune in september, im planning to enter my ax as well as the mini, i want a 49 sec run badly!!!!!

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