Amazing detailing product!

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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    R56 FJCW
    Quote Originally Posted by AndyP & Lenore View Post
    Car's are for driving. Not polishing. [Bonnie Scotland will be along soon to nod approval of that one]
    There ya go

  2. #32
    One good reason for keeping your car clean, is it attracts the nice ladies
    Last edited by weefossy; 23rd July 2007 at 09:26 PM.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by weefossy View Post
    One good reason for keeping your car clean, is it attracts the nice ladies
    You better start scrubbing now mate!...i saw what was hanging about your car at Crufts


  4. #34
    I was browsing the Meguiars site and found this link to a video for the Ultimate Quik Detailer.

    OK...I can't imagine the type of person that actually takes the time to film and edit a video on a spray detailer.

    OK...maybe the same sort of person that finds the video...and posts a link on it

    I think the guy works for Meguiars actually...

    You can't see what the product does for the finish of your car...but you can see how well the product sheets and beads.

    Actually I have found a down side to the product. I used it on my car a few days and three washes ago. I did the plastic on the A pillers. It repels water that well that I now can't crack open my window when its raining to have a cigarette...the water pours in the window!

    Yeah I know...I need to give it up.:(

    So how much do you think I would get for the car?


  5. #35
    The Bull
    Another good video about this stuff.

  6. #36
    Mr B...Good find!

    This is exactly what the product does!

    I think its amazing stuff!!!!

    Seen it online for less than £10.00 now...


  7. #37
    I tried the product and don't rate it. sorry.
    Cooper Coupe...

  8. #38
    Full results are evident after 12 hours....YOU HAVE NEVER KEPT A CAR THAT LONG!

    Seriously...I can't believe you don't love this stuff!


  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by vintageb3 View Post
    Full results are evident after 12 hours....YOU HAVE NEVER KEPT A CAR THAT LONG!

    Seriously...I can't believe you don't love this stuff!

    nope don't rate it not on my cars anyway. My paintwork is old either 9 or 19 years old and the paint is not really good enough or new enough for this to be effective.

    However I did use Chemical Guys 50/50 Concours Limited Edition at the weekend and to date it has got to be the easy to apply and take off that I have used and leaves a great wet look.
    Cooper Coupe...

  10. #40
    Why not try the Ultimate over that?

    That's what it is designed for


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