9/11 Conspiracy

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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    I watched this with a very open mind, for me the theorists all put across their views aggressively whilst the witnesses and others were all pretty calm, the theorists might say this was due to training lol.
    For me, there was nowt that really made me think that there was a conspiracy, the only exception was that no bodies or wreckage was found at one site.

  2. #32
    Streamlined Sponsor Burple's Avatar
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    After watching that last night, it's just muddied the waters even more. Both sides of the coin have flaws in their explanations. Some parts of the 'truth' are just too conveniently coincidental, and some parts of the 'conspiracy theory' are obviously incorrect.

    While the BBC program did a fairly good job of debunking the obvious flaws in the conspiracy theories, there was a lot of the more borderline stuff they simply did not address - whether due to time constraints or 'other' reasons..

    Just one example... Why won't the US Government release footage from security cameras around the Pentagon - the ones in the Petrol station and Hotel - which were allegedly confiscated? Surely those images will prove them right? and if they have no such film, why haven't they come out and said these images simply don't exist?

    There's much more to this than two opposing theories methinks.. It goes much deeper than any of us will ever find out unfortunately.

  3. #33
    It was a white wash for the sake of BBC America .None of the real questions were asked ,Alex Jones has done loads of docus there on google video put him name in ,you will see plenty.

  4. #34
    Streamlined Sponsor Burple's Avatar
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    Some more interesting info...

    From www.infowars.net

  5. #35
    Alex Jones is a true American patroit Google TERROR STORM & WATCH IT

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