Hi to everyone
I was at Arbroath on Saturday and was well impressed by all your Mini's, both new and classic. Thankyou to the owners who pointed me to this site ...you know who you are!.. I finally managed to make a dream come true when I got my new MINI Cooper in May (actually, my partner wanted a Ford Focus, and it is his company car,...however, I managed to persuade him that me being happy was much more important than a Ford Focus!!) So, I now have my MINI. Not yet named - any suggestions?

It is a basic MINI Cooper, Metallic black and has no modifications (Company car - not allowed!:disapprove:)

I look forward to being part of the Brotherhood & Sisterhood of the Mini Owners/Drivers. I will now flash all Mini's I see - please flash back if you see me!

Edit: Moved to correct forum