1) Bonnie Scotland + Me Julie
2) Willie M & Linda M?
3) Julz & Rob
4) Gary & Cheryl
5) Big Gordy, maybe
6) John + ????

Ok folks, an american couple are coming over for Hogmanay staying in Edinburgh, sadly they will miss the festive run on the 28th December by about 4 hours:(

I would like to welcome them over and organise a wee run either on Monday 29th or Tuesday the 30th December.
I need a few of us to show some scottish hospitality but understand it's a busy time of year.
I'm hoping to stay overnight on the Sunday (or at willie's if he's got his windaes in) after the festive run, then meet up with the travelling duo at night and have a blether and then have a nice wee run on the monday morning after the rush hour.
I don't have any kind of a route planned and would look to the locals to help there, also a nice place for a spot of lunch before calling it a day and departing. I thought of the place on the outskirts of edinburgh, it's a wildlife centre or something.

So, anyone interested please put your names forward and which date :)

We need to pick a date to allow our guests the option of booking sightseeing trips etc

Bonnie Scotland