Time 8:15pm, location Dalgety Bay, dusk....

Big 4 wheel drive tank behind me with fog lights on (as well as dipped headlights), about level with my head and totally blinding.

I flashed my rear fogs a couple of times, no response. OK - maybe thought I was braking, put on rear fogs for 30 seconds - response he (or she as I couldn't see for the glare) now flashes the full beam at me - I give up.:mad:

Then further along a quiet country road I become aware of some flashing amber lights - 2 kids on bicycles, no lights at front or rear.

Does nobody own or read a copy of the Highway code these days?
Fog lights are for fog not for driving around town.:mad:
Bicycles should display lights front and rear after dark.

<rant over>

Feel a bit better now:)