Hi guys, Chris is back

Hi to any of the new guys that don't know me and hi to all the people that know me from a few years back. I still have my mini but its been tucked away for a few years. In dry storage so the car is still in good shape. We decided to put it off the road for a while after someone decided to slam the brakes on in front of the wife after cutting her up on a roundabout, as you can guess she got the blame because it was her word against his. he was blaming the wife for driving eratically
She had our three kids in the car at the time, the last thing she was doing was driving like that.

Anyway rant over, Its good to be back

Here is a little reminder how the car looked before it went off the road, I will stick a wee picture up later off how it looks just now.

The plans for next year are a full respray and just get it back to how it looked before with a few added extras.

That's me for now and hi again to all new and old mini drivers
