We've had our MINI Cooper for just over a year now. Its an ex- demonstrator from Dunedin so it's a bit speced up but still came with the usual knocks and rattles, which Eastern are trying hard to find for us !

We moved back to Fife from Edinburgh last November and pass quite a few Mini's on the commuting run in the wee stupid hours of the morning trying to beat the traffic over the bridge.

Really like the site from what Ive seen of it so far and would have loved to do the Perthshire run. Shame we've missed all the other Fife events so far, hopefully we'll rectify that.

Our Mini is normally ( I hate to admit it ) in need of a wee wash with the T2 number plate. Could someone please wave, in all the time we've had it Ive only had one person wave/flash. It was on Leith street and it took me so much by suprise that I didnt manage to wave back in time:(

As for personal stuff Im a photographer in Edinburgh. Im a huge movie fan with a penchant for Star Wars ( saw it at a very impressionable age ), read far too much, am besotted with my animals and doing up whatever house we're in. My husband John ( of six weeks or so ) is a big Frank Zappa fan, does complicated computer stuff - including writting and running forums, and talks about cars a lot. Luckily I dont hold any of it against him
