Ok, this is a dangerous area for me...It could end up costing a lot of money...

I've had my Mini for a while now (Jan 02) and I still love it to bits. But like a lot of Cooper owners it does feel a bit underpowered. So the question is...To modify it or not?

If I was to modify it, I would not have a clue where to start. I've never modified any of my previous cars (was going to on my old Golf GTi but the thing was good as it was).

The alternatives? A Cooper S with the same spec as mine, or the Works kit on my car. I don't think the works kit is good value for money, however is does not mean any issues with warrenty etc.

So, a few questions. There seem to be a lot of modified Minis about on here, so whats the deal? I'm looking at more power, don't want to ruin the warrenty and I don't own a garage to tinker with it. What happens with warrenty, insurance etc.