Eratic Idle

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  1. #11
    Never had the A/C on for weeks so cant be that.

    Also noticed when it is idleing eratically if you blip the throttle and give it some revs when it returns back to idle the revs dip quite a bit before going back up to 800 rpm ish.

  2. #12
    Does it ever feel like the car is going to stall because the revs are to low?

  3. #13
    Yeh it does that's why i end up giving it a bit of revs

  4. #14
    is spark plugs old? no lights showing on dash? i'd take it to the doctors.

  5. #15
    Its only done 9.5k so not even had the 1st service yet.

    Strangly it started about the same time I test drove the R56 Cooper S.

    Maybe the car is upset i was looking at others!!!

  6. #16
    I dont know you hear so much storys about bad fuel and stuff. Try a tank of v max. But if it was something real bad warning lights would light up, surly. They did when my car broke a valve sring with 170 miles on the clock, 3 days old. The car started to run on only 3 cylinders, stall and sound ruff.

  7. #17
    my idle doesnt really move but the car shakes and vibrates! you can hear the engine doing something! bmw say they feel the shakes but there bent little computer says nothings wrong!!!

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