OK, I am Armed with all my new products and raring to go ahead and tackle my slightly neglected paintwork . Just wanted to check I was going about this in the right way and more importantly in the right order :clown:.

I have alrealy washed and clayed the wee beastieusing a sheepskin mit and the 2 bucket method. I used Mguires Quick Clay as I have never clayed a car before in my life :I (I must say I found this really easy to use). Unfortunately this is a far as I got today so obviously I will have to repeat this step before tackling all of the following by hand :dead:.

Ok, this is what I had in mind...
Poorboys SSR2to remove light scratches and swirls
followed by NTX Tec wax
followed by a coat of EX sealant
finished off with a coat of poorboys nattys paste (blue)

hopfully resulting in a nice shiny happy Mini and more likely a very sore arm :disapprove:
any advise or tips appreciated 8)).