Hi Wul, i've been using the Auto Glym products on my car but have noticed your a fan of Megs. Am i doing my paint work damage??

I spray down the car with the hose to remove loose dirt, then use a basic wheel cleaner to clean the wheels with a wet towel. The Auto Glym Bodywork Shampoo Conditioner is what i use to clean top to bottom with your two bucket technique. Then spray again with the hose to wash away the shampoo. I then clean the windows with regular window cleaner and was down again with water. To dry i use a shami and apply the Auto Glym super resin polish and buff to a nice sparkle.

Am i doing anything wrong or is there something i should be dong that i dont. Any tips would be cool thanks.

How can i get the white polish marks of my black arches, it leaves little lines where the cloth touches when putting the polish on.