I'd be interested to know who'd be up for a run up the west coast in October, possibly with an overnight stop. I was thinking along the lines of Striling - GlenCoe - Fort William - then one of two options...over the sea tae Skye via the bridge or to Mallaig and round by Strontan and back across Loch Lhinne by ferry. Mallaig hasn't got the best accomodation but Arisaig does.

In the first instance it would be good if peeps could let me know dates which suite. Suggestions for a route would be good too.

I'm aware that I'm going to have to work around the two Dundee teams' home fixture list if we want any of the Dundonians come:clown:

There will be a 20 car limit due to the logistics of accomodating that number of peeps overnight. For those worried about such things, can I assure you that the emphasis will be on cruising along at a leisurely speed in convoy. (Hopefully holding up a few caravaners along the way ):evil:)