With a new season ahead of us, we felt it was time to refresh our guide to organising a New MINI Scotland run.
Q: Who can organise a run?
Any member of New MINI Scotland can help organise and lead a run - you don't need to be a moderator or have led a run before!
We'd love for more people to get involved - it's the best way, after all, to discover exciting new roads and places to visit.
If you know some great roads in your area, why not share them with your fellow MINI enthusiasts?
And, if you need any advice or assistance, our forums moderators will be more than happy to help.
Q: What’s the secret to a great run?
When it comes to the road we (and our MINIs) like it twisty. When it comes to organising a run though, the secret is to keep things simple. Make the day as straight-forward and enjoyable as possible for those taking part.
Remember - we all share the same enthusiasm and passion. There’s no pressure to perform a miracle. A simple route along some great roads is all that's required for a brilliant day out.![]()
To that end, we've prepared a few pointers below to help:
ON THE DAY:1. Begin with a map and make a general plan.
It helps to start (and end) the run at a central location with nearby fuel, food and toilet facilities.
From there, consider where you would like the run to go and whether additional stops may be required. Depending upon the distance and duration of the run, people may need to stop for a toilet, food or rest break.
2. There’s no minimum (or maximum) required distance...
…however, as a rough guide, a run of 100 miles or so makes for a great day out - particularly when you factor in a few stops along the way.
Longer runs can be fun but, for some, they can also be daunting. A longer run can also put more pressure on keeping the group together (as there may be less freedom in the schedule to regroup).
Also, it's worth bearing in mind that participants need to travel to and from each event. This distance will be different for each participant.
3. Identify an ideal route.
Single track roads can be a blast but they can also present some challenges. Slow-moving vehicles can separate the group and there may be issues with getting past oncoming traffic.
Likewise, we often try to avoid congested roads or busy intersections.
It's worth saying, however, that this isn’t always possible - so don’t worry too much if there's a particular obstacle or stretch of road that you just can't avoid.
4. Plan for separations.
It's common for the group to get split up. There may be occasional hold ups (such as other road users, road-works, a busy junction, or even obstacles on the road). Different drivers may also feel comfortable driving at a different pace.
Don't worry. This is fine.
A great solution is to have regroup spots along the route.
These might simply be a short pause in a suitable (and visible) lay-by or a defined stop at a particular location (perhaps for photographs). Whatever you choose, it's important that these locations are able to safely accommodate the required number of vehicles without obstructing the public highway.
In addition, the provision of clear run notes - along with a contact number - is important should people get separated.
5. Prepare clear and helpful run notes.
As mentioned above, clear run notes can be a real help should the group get separated.
Run notes should be clear and detail important information such as mileage between each turn/ change of direction, any significant land marks, and road names/ numbers. We also recommend scouting the proposed route in advance to double check that everything is correct.
Once prepared, run notes can be uploaded to the forum (if you need help with this just let our moderating team know). It can also be helpful to bring a few printed copies of the run notes on the day.
Here's an example of some run notes: Run Notes.zip
6. Establish run parameters.
New MINI Scotland events are for everyone's enjoyment.
It can helpful, on the day, to remind everyone to drive in a safe, legal and courteous manner.
(Reckless or dangerous behaviour is not acceptable and any offending participants should be asked to leave the event.)
As mentioned above, it's also likely that there will be a mix of driving ability (not to mention vehicle performance). Allow others to drive at their own pace (and bear this in mind as run leader). A successful run is one that everyone enjoys and, if one or two participants are struggling to keep up, it's better to slow the overall pace.
7. Be organised.
Organisers should arrive at the designated start location around 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. Some participants (particularly new ones) may arrive early and it always helps to have someone there to welcome you.
Don't be afraid to ask for help with the event. If possible, arrange for someone to help you in advance. In smaller groups, a back-marker can help ensure that participants do not get separated or lost. With larger groups, it may help to have additional leaders staggered throughout the convoy.
(Again, if you ever need help with this, just let the moderating team know.)
It can also be helpful to check that everyone has enough fuel prior to departure. Depending on the run notes, you may also wish to remind people to reset their trip counters.
8. Make sure people can reach you.
A contact number is important in case of separation or emergency.
As is often the case, our MINI adventures can take us into remote regions. If you are using radio-communications, ensure that people know which channels to use.
9. Be prepared for feedback.
Be prepared that you may receive some feedback on the day (both positive and negative- even if everything goes to plan). What one person enjoys may not be the same for another.
Please don’t be offended... but if there is something which could be improved then use this to make an even better event next time.
And finally…
10. Have fun!
You may be organising things but don't forget to enjoy yourself. Take pride in leading your fellow MINI owners on an exciting MINI Adventure!![]()