Nooooooo Not again

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  1. #1
    I have just had an altercation with a citoen xantia:blackeye:, and a visit to the nearest bog8) 30 mph but I was lucky only the bumpers touched so its new bumpers all round:disapprove:.
    My fualt pulled out of the parents drive on to the road just didn't see him (luckly he's a mate) the neighbours just put up a bloody wall in the line of sight.
    Still at least no one was hurt and it's cheaper than the last time.


  2. #2
    Linda M
    Sorry to hear that Richard :( At least it's just a scrape and hope your MINI has it's bandages off for the Cruise

  3. #3
    Me too but not likly need a new bumper sourced (got somebody on the case already though) then it has to be sent up here so I can fit it.
    Its not to bad I'll just have to stand in front of it any pics are taken

  4. #4
    quote:Originally posted by Fontal

    Me too but not likly need a new bumper sourced (got somebody on the case already though) then it has to be sent up here so I can fit it.
    Its not to bad I'll just have to stand in front of it any pics are taken
    Sorry to hear about the distress - know what you are going through!:blackeye:

  5. #5
    glad to hear your ok and thats the main thing :)

    hope your mini gets patched up asap :)

  6. #6
    quote:Originally posted by Fontal

    ) the neighbours just put up a bloody wall in the line of sight.

    Sorry to hear of the bump Richard.

    How much do you like your neighbours? if they never got planning permission for their wall you could get them to make it shorter if it is causing a danger to the public/ traffic - if you never saw a car then a pedestrian would be harder to spot!

  7. #7
    Just phoned the dealer and wow MINI parts are cheap £20 for a new indicator/sidelight unit and £116 for an unpainted bumper but I didn't order the bumper yet as John is looking in to getting me a painted one.


  8. #8
    Well thats the cooper s bumper ordered, hopfully be here in a couple of weeks so I can get it painted and fitted before the airstip day up here in July (Max power are atending).

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