Getting emotional about a car!?

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  1. #11
    The fact that I've only just put my old car up for sale after two years of owning the mini shows how sad I am! Even when discussions were happening of me trading for an Evo 6 I was getting upset, at the momment there are very few cars I would easily trade my mini for, a black GT3 however........

  2. #12
    quote:Originally posted by Julz

    The fact that I've only just put my old car up for sale after two years of owning the mini shows how sad I am! Even when discussions were happening of me trading for an Evo 6 I was getting upset, at the momment there are very few cars I would easily trade my mini for, a black GT3 however........
    Went to see the new 911 997 yesterday - sweet!

  3. #13
    Yes, well, we're trying to avoid seeing one of those!! I'm still cringing at the thought of us parting with money for the new clutch on Robs car:(

  4. #14
    How could you! I feel a traitor just eyeing up other minis. I'm buying a new house just so he gets his own car flap...although hopefully he won't go for adventures without me.

  5. #15
    The only reason I was looking elsewhere is that an average month just to run my mini costs me over £500!!

  6. #16
    that works out to be about 50p a mile based on a average yearly mileage of 12000 miles
    Cooper Coupe...

  7. #17
    Yeah, but that's before I pay for the 3 sets of front tyres I go through a year and the 4 oil changes I do a year, and... and... and... it's never ending, but at least I have fun!!

  8. #18
    quote:Originally posted by Julz

    Yeah, but that's before I pay for the 3 sets of front tyres I go through a year and the 4 oil changes I do a year, and... and... and... it's never ending, but at least I have fun!!
    Mind you a new 997 may be a bit more...

  9. #19
    How do you manage to go through 3 sets of front tyres to many burnouts I think.
    Cooper Coupe...

  10. #20
    I do at least 15000 miles a year and I like Toyo Proxes, and contrary to popular belief, I don't drive like a girlie, I'm quite hard on the car so I pay the price by replacing my tyres ever 5-6k!

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