Being a Fifer I wasn't for buying the new (expensive) throttle pedal complete, so I copied an idea from 'Bad Ess' on MINI2 where you use a new foot rest (dead pedal) to go over the original throttle pedal. Had a wee bit of bother getting the dealer to order the correct parts because they couldn't identify the part numbers, however MINI2 came to the rescue. Total came to £36 for 2 footrests and the clutch/brake covers.

Originally posted by Bad Ess on MINI2:
I took a dead pedal and cut the nub off the back, cut the original pedal down to hide behind the new part. clamped with heavy silicone for 24 hours. Looks great better than changing the whole mess.

I used the same idea as Bad Ess but instead of silicone I used a hot melt glue gun with Bostik multipurpose glue. Roughened up the plastic surfaces with emery cloth first to give a good key. Applied 3 big dabs of hot melt glue at top middle and bottom of the original plastic pedal and quickly put new pedal cover in position and hold there for 15 seconds - job done!

[This was my second attempt - first time I used 15 minute metal padding epoxy and clamped it for 30 minutes, undid the clamps and the pedal fell off!]