Battery flat and doors locked. Can you help ?

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  1. #1
    Feeling like a right daftie. Have had Cooper sitting outside for 4 weeks.
    Went to open it ......nothing. Battery flat, doors won't open.
    Door won't open with key in lock either.
    Any suggestions? Is it possible to gain access to suitable recharge point
    by removing wheel arch covers?
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Colzee; 8th October 2010 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Don't understand why the key wouldn't open the door? Surely there must be a way of unlocking the door without the need for power?

    Best bet might be if you can operate the bonnet release from under the car - then you could get to the battery.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Wheelspin Kid
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    mini cooper red/white
    Agree with Del.I had a flat battery a while back but the key still opened the door

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    R56 FJCW
    The key should open the door, perhaps the lock has siezed, in any event, this is the best option to get in, or it's a smashed window job

  5. #5
    THanks for the responses - confirmed that the key should open the door - clearly something wrong with locking mechanism. So what would be the cheapest window to smash?!!

  6. #6
    Bob the belter stoney's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    blackwood, United Kingdom
    R53 heavy moded
    be one of the front windows or the boot glass i would say !!!!!
    New sig coming soon

  7. #7
    Not the best idea... Im sure the aa can help with this.

    My bros mate somehow locked his keys inside the car and aa came along put a balloon type thing in the top of the door, blew it up and managed to put something down and open the door!

    You will be constanly finding glass if you break the glass...

  8. #8
    Dont break the glass just yet,

    Cant you use an old wire coat hanger in the top of the window to pull the door catch / handle from inside.

    Even if you can get somthing long enough to go in the drivers side und reach across to the passenger side and pull the door handle

  9. #9
    What you can do with the frameless side windows is prise the glass away from the top using a couple of wooden wedges. This will allow you access to put in a device that could possible press the lock button on the center stack or lever the door handle open. I used the technique a few times whilst I was a plod.

  10. #10
    Have you tried spraying WD40 or something like that into the lock, even try doing this a few times over a couple of days an keep trying the lock. Might just be seized.

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