As Andy has asked for this thread to be closed, so be it.
I've deliberately stayed out of this but was happy to let it run it's course.

It's fair to say that both sides of this debate were being aired, in public and it didn't get overly heated or end up in a direct slanging match.
That's not to say that it wouldn't if left open.

I'd appreciate that if either of the parties want to continue the discussion that they do so in private.

As owner, i feel i have to be impartial and in this case both sides had a point to make and each side had their supporters, not a split down the middle, but support for each side was there.

I did approve AndyP to post in the first instance and have no qualms about that decision.

It has thrown up a grey area that is open to be misinterpreted and i for one would prefer that folks felt comfortable when posting items for sale.
I agree that what happened here was not illegal or against site rules, as there are none covering this, to be honest the site is self governing and i know that's not the correct way to be in this politically correct world and i don't want that to change.

This is the first time i've come across this situation on NMS in over 7 years and feel that "our" community generally helps each other and i can understand the frustration of someone when an item is deliberately purchased whilst it's being advertised elsewhere.
Where, makes not a jot of difference.

I hope this doesn't put anyone off posting items for sale in the future.