My name is Heather Robertson and I am a curator at the Museum of Transport in Glasgow. I am currently researching the Classic Mini and would really love to hear your memories. I have listed a few questions and it would be very much appreciated if you could send your answers to me via email or post them on this forum. May I also ask – do you have any photographs in which your Mini features? The Mini can be incidental to the shot or the main subject, either would be great. We're looking for photographs for our display. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to email me: or write to me here at the museum.

There are a few things I'd particularly like to know about your experiences with the Mini. If you could answer them using whichever method you'd prefer (email, telephone, visit etc.) that would be wonderful. If you have any questions yourself then please don't hesitate to call. Also, don't feel you have to answer all the questions - only those you feel apply to you and that you feel comfortable answering. If you feel there are things you'd like to tell us that aren't covered in the questions please do go ahead! Some of the questions are only indirectly linked to the Mini as we're trying to get a very rounded sense of its impact and importance.


1. What first drew you to the Mini?
2. When did you get your first Mini? Was it your first car? (If not, how did it compare to other cars you'd had)
3. Was it the car you'd always wanted?
4. Did you have to save up to buy it? Do you remember where you bought it?
5. Can you remember driving it for the first time? How did it feel?
6. Was there anything in terms of its design that you found frustrating?
7. Was there anything in terms of its key features that you altered for your own use? I.e. did you take anything off the car, add anything to it, and use it for a purpose that the makers hadn't intended it to be used?
8. Have you driven Mini's since?
9. Why did you eventually replace your Mini?
10. Where did you go in your Mini? - to work, out with your mates, just driving around town, on holiday?
11. Did you have a young family to transport around too?
12. Could you play music in the car? - If so, what music?
13. Was the 60's all it's cracked up to be?
14. Did people in Glasgow, in your opinion, actually experience the free love, high design, and mini skirt culture?
15. What do you think the reasons for the Mini's success are?
16. Was the car as advertised - efficient, affordable and practical?
17. What made the Mini different from other cars of the period?
18. How did people react to you and the car?
19. Were there design features of the car that you particularly like - sliding windows, smaller tyres etc.?

There are a lot of questions and some probably won't apply to you so please feel free to answer as many (or as few!) as you like.

Many thanks again for your help!
