F1 - China

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  1. #1
    Predictions for the weekend then?

    Stil can't see past Brawn and Button for this weekend, but I reckon the gap is getting closer.

    Looks as if McLaren have improved so hopefully Lewis can get some decent points out of this one!

    Thank god the diffuser row has been put to bed!!

  2. #2
    The Dogfather
    Some interesting qualifying results, I supsect Alonso and the Red Bulls are all starting with the soft compound tyre so will be running with a low fuel load.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    GP 0878
    I would expect the other teams to have the same diffuser by now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    GP 0878
    POLE. Vettel
    2. Alonso

  5. #5
    Fuel Loads

    As I expected, Red Bull ad i particular Alonso are running very light compared the Brawn GP.

    I think your right Dogfather - start on the super softs to get that stint out of the way, as those tyres are terrible!!

    Alonso will be wishing he hadn't ditched KERS for this race....otherwise he would easily be able to skip Vettel from the start!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post

    Alonso will be wishing he hadn't ditched KERS for this race....otherwise he would easily be able to skip Vettel from the start!
    Yeah, but would you fancy sitting on a load of batteries that had the chance of going on fire? He wasn't convinced by the safety after they found water in the system (though, in the rain last time out, I think EVERYTHING would have had water in it.

    Did you see this video?

  7. #7
    Brilliant Race

    Hats of to Red Bull, Vettel And Webber - didn't put a foot wrong all day!

    And - they make those cars strong nowadays don't they! How Buemi and Vettel were still running after that coming together, god knows, and as for Kubica....his car should have been dead and buried!!

    Can't wait for Bharain

  8. #8
    Pantomime Villain & Car Plan Ambassador Crombers's Avatar
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    In disscusions with the 'Red Team' , speak soon

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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Smitty View Post
    Brilliant Race

    Hats of to Red Bull, Vettel And Webber - didn't put a foot wrong all day!

    And - they make those cars strong nowadays don't they! How Buemi and Vettel were still running after that coming together, god knows, and as for Kubica....his car should have been dead and buried!!

    Can't wait for Bharain
    Vettel had a superb weekend, considering his performance in qualification as well (1 lap per session). They've been showing this speed for a while now, just hope they can continue to develop the car so we have a real championship race this year.

    I'm rather enjoying the upside down nature of this season so far!

  10. #10
    mini saltire
    Great to see the lesser teams getting a bite at the cherry. Vettel drove really well all weekend and deserved his win. Great result for Webber too and a no frills 3rd podium in a row for JB.

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