Young Drivers Curfew

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  1. #1
    Young Pup 1 Bazthemod's Avatar
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    Had to have a wee rant after hearing this on the radio all day.

    Under new proposals, drivers under 25 will not be allowed to drive at night and only carry limited number of passengers.

    Why is it that we all get tarred with the same brush as the burberry capped brigade:mad: I work bloody hard for my car and the boy racers round here piss me off as much as it pisses off the over 25 drivers, so why treat me any different?

    Would should innocent motorists have to pay yet again for the minority's stupid antics and if the proposals come into effect, will our insurance go down???? haha dream on

    Anyway that will be all rant over

    From Factory JCW to Audi TT Quattro - Might be back one day!

  2. #2
    well I am sorry but I agree with this and hope they bring it in. Not only that I think they should raise the age of being able to drive to 21.

    On a plus note they could soften the blow by lowering your insurance slightly.

    I also think they should bring back national service
    Cooper Coupe...

  3. #3
    Several States here have laws like that --- drivers under 18 can only drive untill 7 or 8 pm ( unless work related ) and only with a limited number of people in the car. Also if your grades drop below a certain level they can suspend your license ( if you are in school ). Lots of variations - some work better than others.

    I would like to see the same laws for drivers OVER 60 or 65 -- they scare me sometimes!!!

  4. #4
    Young Pup 2 RyanK's Avatar
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    Completely aggree with Baz on this one.

    I am 17 and I feel the same way about Baz with regards to being treated like a Boy-Racer. I work hard for my car like everyone else and don't welly it about the streets like a tube!

    I got pulled the other night regarding my Halo Lights "Fully E-marked" & have received 3 points for my tinted windows (in which came with the car!). We are all being tarred with the same brush and its bloody ridiculous!

    Like baz...Rant over. I have spent the 3 months that I have been passed my test questioning myself about how im being picked on, don't want to work myself up too much haha.


  5. #5
    Bob the belter stoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bazthemod View Post
    Had to have a wee rant after hearing this on the radio all day.

    Under new proposals, drivers under 25 will not be allowed to drive at night and only carry limited number of passengers.

    Why is it that we all get tarred with the same brush as the burberry capped brigade:mad: I work bloody hard for my car and the boy racers round here piss me off as much as it pisses off the over 25 drivers, so why treat me any different?

    Would should innocent motorists have to pay yet again for the minority's stupid antics and if the proposals come into effect, will our insurance go down???? haha dream on

    Anyway that will be all rant over
    i agree with you i think it is unfair that under 25 should not be allowed out at night and limted passagens u can only carry 3 in a mini so no prob there

    Quote Originally Posted by ScottieCoop View Post
    well I am sorry but I agree with this and hope they bring it in. Not only that I think they should raise the age of being able to drive to 21.

    On a plus note they could soften the blow by lowering your insurance slightly.

    I also think they should bring back national service
    the way i see it is fair enuf rasie the age to drive to 21 what happens 2 all the 17 18 19 20 year old that have one all ready

    i think the best idea for new drivers is restict the engine size for the fist year to some thing like a 1.3 or below then for the 2nd year be allowed to move up say some thing like 1.8 or below non turbo then after that then they can have what they want as long as they have keeped a clean licance

    and also think there should be a total ban on drinking and driving not even a sip !!!!!!!!! for every one that would cut a lot of the car crash that dose happen !!!
    New sig coming soon

  6. #6
    actually it be better for under 25's not to be allowed out of the house after 7pm never mind to drive a car.

    remember I was young once but now "I am not young enough to know everything"
    Cooper Coupe...

  7. #7
    the thing is when I was 17 I could not no way afford a car like what alot of young ones run about in today.

    On a wage of £30 a week my insurance on a P reg yes a SMS 835P reg was £400 which was a years wage.
    Cooper Coupe...

  8. #8
    The Dogfather
    Its unfortunate that you're being tarred with same brush, but unfortunately the situation has got out of hand.

    Perhaps all new drivers cars should be fitted with a GPS tracking device which monitors their speed, soon as they speed they are prosecuted for it. Those who persistently offend will soon lose their licence, the technology is already here.........

  9. #9
    Young Pup 2 RyanK's Avatar
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    As long as you dont think our cars are paid for by daddy lol...

    saved up since paper rounds for a decent car

    I agree that there are a large minority of young drivers out there in which are idiots though, the amount of young people being killed nowadays scares me.

  10. #10
    Young Pup 1 Bazthemod's Avatar
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    How can you say that it is the right thing to do?

    If it was the other way about you oldies would be raging just as much.

    Ryan raises a fair point about people our age having nice cars... its not all mummy and daddies money some of us have our heads screwed on and deserve to have nice things yet the minority to ruin it for us :mad::mad::mad:

    Fair enough if the police pull people over for a legit reason then put this curfew etc into force on the individual...but its simply unfair to treat us all like numpties:mad:

    I have spent over £9,000 on my car now and i dont intend on stopping i also own a classic mini that eats money aswell... i love my cars and drive them in an appropriate manner ... i am also t-total and use my car often to pick my parents up in a drunken state... why should i be punished??

    Yes i realise there are idiots out there... one of which was my best m8 who was killed in his car... i openly admit he was an idiot that night and he would too.... nothing sobers you up to speeding / arsing around more than that.

    From Factory JCW to Audi TT Quattro - Might be back one day!

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