Delays, Delays, Delays...

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  1. #11
    bet you a £1 it arrives next week. remember a good dealer can to a PDI in 20mins to fingers crossed you will still get it before Christmas.
    Cooper Coupe...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    R56 FJCW
    Ach stop yer whingin man, it's only a car

  3. #13
    I contacted 'Thorne' last night, thats BMW's distribution centre, they know the 3 CooperS' I am desperately waiting on, they are now marked as URGENT and everything is being done to get these cars here asap!!

    Dont worry. . .!

  4. #14
    The Bull
    Late by a week!!! That's nothing. My Civic was meant to be delivered on 23rd July, I eventually got it on Sep 11th!! That was torture! I don't know how many "sleeps" that was.

  5. #15
    quote:Originally posted by Clare1

    I contacted 'Thorne' last night, thats BMW's distribution centre, they know the 3 CooperS' I am desperately waiting on, they are now marked as URGENT and everything is being done to get these cars here asap!!

    Dont worry. . .!
    yip those Thornes are a pain.
    Cooper Coupe...

  6. #16
    Craig is your ankle all better now are you back at work?? and driving.?
    Cooper Coupe...

  7. #17
    craig you have mail.
    Cooper Coupe...

  8. #18
    Pantomime Villain & Car Plan Ambassador Crombers's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    G76 South
    R50 Cooper & F55 SD
    Not good news , but are we any further forward as to why such as delay. Don't seem right to me.

    PS , how you fairing for Sat Pm re alloys:question:. We'll do the heavy stuff seein as you are being a nancy boy

    R50 Cooper ..... Mini Plant Oxford

    19 years of MINIfascination

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    R56 FJCW
    quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude
    talking of cars, where is ma old motor....
    Same old story, getting fixed at mini sport :blackeye:

  10. #20
    thinking about it. I know it's really gutting when you hear car has been delayed. It's your car and you can't wait to get it. but TBH this close to the year end if it was me I would try my best to wait even if the car arrived and get it registered on 01/01/07 so it can be a 07 car.
    Cooper Coupe...

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