View Full Version : The hard to get Xmas toy

6th December 2006, 10:38 PM
Been out looking for a Nintendo DS, man these things are getting hard to find. Everywhere is sold out but got the last one in Virgin.:approve:

Went to John Lewis, they have over 300 on order from customers and a further 400 on top to meet demand.

6th December 2006, 10:59 PM
Mate of mine is wanting to try and get a Nintendo Wii when they go on sale on Friday, not sure what the demand for that will be like. He thinks there will be a big demand for it.

6th December 2006, 11:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Been out looking for a Nintendo DS, man these things are getting hard to find. Everywhere is sold out but got the last one in Virgin.:approve:

Went to John Lewis, they have over 300 on order from customers and a further 400 on top to meet demand.

They may be hard to find, but they are an absolute hoot :) Keeps me amused for hours while working away.

6th December 2006, 11:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by zimbo

Mate of mine is wanting to try and get a Nintendo Wii when they go on sale on Friday, not sure what the demand for that will be like. He thinks there will be a big demand for it.

ha ha. had the same problem sold out everywhere BUT used me contacts on the Scottish Islands (orkney) and have one getting collected for me on Friday.:D:D

7th December 2006, 12:07 AM
My boyfriend is a huge gamer. He got his Wii from play-asia.com. You'll be able to get a DS from there aswell though. Just watch out for import tax though,will set you back another tenner....I know, I've just got the High Definition DVD drive for the XBox 360...the postie nearly felt the hairy side of my hand! Or as we say in penicuik, ah nearly pure gied um a shmack eh

7th December 2006, 12:35 AM
You should have just shot him Suzi as that is the current trend in Penicuik

AndyP & Lenore
7th December 2006, 12:47 AM
Had a play with a DS when they first came out. Maybe it was just me, and my inability to multi-task, but I found the two screen system confusing and annoying.:( So I went for a PSP instead.:D:D


7th December 2006, 07:58 AM
Bought a brand new Nintendo DS Lite from Ebay - got it in a few days! Perfect! Loads of them on there!

7th December 2006, 08:58 AM
I went with the PSP too. Very handy for holidays with the WiFi and the fact that it can play MP4 movies.

7th December 2006, 05:47 PM
The reason I went for the DS was that the games are more original - the PSP (to me) was just a Playstation you could take with you. I love Mario Kart etc and it's just a really nice change to be playing those type of games rather than GTA again.

7th December 2006, 07:06 PM
I'm getting seriously tempted to get my paws on an Xbox 360..

Especially since This (http://xcm.cc/xcm_xfps_360.htm) wee gadget should soon be available.. so I can play FPS games like Gears of War, call of Duty and possibly Halo 3 PROPERLY.. witha keyboard and mouse, rather than the crappy controllers! :cool::cool: