View Full Version : Shooting

5th December 2006, 10:38 PM
Well the good news is ive no been shot.

Appears Penicuik is becoming a nasty place.
I was out last night at about half 7 putting petrol in the car at the filling station in Penicuik and the police were everywhere. The shooting was in the rough, bad, bit of Penicuik, (not where I live I would like to add). Anyway the petrol station is down that way and every entrance to the estate had traffic police cars guarding them. There were some pretty fancy police cars there though. ML mercs Mondeo ST, omega MPV6 and plenty old transit vans.

If you watch the news tonight im sure it will be on there as there were TV vans in penicuik only 1 hour after the incident.

Still though, not very good that the man has been shot, he is well known in Penicuik


5th December 2006, 11:31 PM
Heard that on the news this morning and couldn't believe it - especially with the Marmion pub shooting in the papers everyday just now too! :(

5th December 2006, 11:40 PM
yeah the east of scotland is such a rough place now, makes us people from the west look like walter the softie from the Beano :p

6th December 2006, 12:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by Hadi

yeah the east of scotland is such a rough place now, makes us people from the west look like walter the softie from the Beano :p

We all knew that anyway ;):p:D

..we just let the gobby Weedgies think they're the dug's twitchers... :p

6th December 2006, 12:55 AM
Man whats this world coming too... :disapprove:

AndyP & Lenore
6th December 2006, 01:17 AM
Another ice cream war maybe? (http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0087072/)


6th December 2006, 04:01 AM
My goodness Ian Penicuik's getting as bad as Denny and Bannockburn:D

6th December 2006, 07:37 AM
I'm still waiting for my 99, he was coming up our bit next..

He's stable, thankfully. Looks like he's gonna be ok.

Nutters, while kids were about aswell. Whoever shot him will hopefully go down for it. Poor Flash.

Did you see Penicuik's finest on the news? - "eh a saw it eh and ah eh got scared eh cause eh ah ken the boy eh"

AndyP & Lenore
6th December 2006, 10:35 AM
quote:Originally posted by Suzi

Did you see Penicuik's finest on the news? - "eh a saw it eh and ah eh got scared eh cause eh ah ken the boy eh"

Didn't see it but..... that sounds awfully like ah bloke frae HawiK ah ken. He kud be frae Galy thow.

A.:D <Not even gonna try and spell check this post.;)

6th December 2006, 05:31 PM
icecream wars ice cream vans are one of the best ways to laundre drug money it was sunbed shops now the bubble has burst with that ,then 24hr carwashes

6th December 2006, 05:59 PM
quote:Originally posted by Suzi

I'm still waiting for my 99, he was coming up our bit next..

He's stable, thankfully. Looks like he's gonna be ok.

Nutters, while kids were about aswell. Whoever shot him will hopefully go down for it. Poor Flash.

Did you see Penicuik's finest on the news? - "eh a saw it eh and ah eh got scared eh cause eh ah ken the boy eh"

Ah ken a did cringe when ah seen it on the tele ken cause ah thought oh naw aw the folk fae scotland are gonna think that aw folk fae Penicuik speak like that eh. ken what a mean.

6th December 2006, 10:44 PM
There was an icecream man down my way found lying unconscious in his van. The police found him covered head to toe in hundreds and thousands and also in chocolate chips. The police aren't looking for anyone in connection with the incident, as they reckoned he tried to top himself!!

AndyP & Lenore
7th December 2006, 12:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by midge

There was an icecream man down my way found lying unconscious in his van. The police found him covered head to toe in hundreds and thousands and also in chocolate chips. The police aren't looking for anyone in connection with the incident, as they reckoned he tried to top himself!!

<Shakes head>Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What depths of despair have we dragged ourselves down to?:D


7th December 2006, 08:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

..we just let the gobby Weedgies think they're the dug's twitchers... :p

Me & you .....................words


7th December 2006, 07:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

..we just let the gobby Weedgies think they're the dug's twitchers... :p

Me & you .....................words

Aye.. Two ay them... 'Get Tae!' :p:p:p:D:D:D:D

7th December 2006, 10:30 PM
<fixes collar,cough> I shalt not rise to the bait

For now :blackeye:;)