View Full Version : Repeat after me...

4th December 2006, 06:54 PM
...."I'm a Tool!!" (http://www.break.com/index/wd40_explosion.html)


4th December 2006, 06:55 PM
LOL, must try that :D

4th December 2006, 07:15 PM
quote:Originally posted by MartinSullivan

LOL, must try that :D

Maybe get a longer stick though ;)

What an idiot! I mean, what did he expect to happen??? What's his next trick - place head inside crocodile open jaws?

5th December 2006, 12:08 AM
Bwah ha ha haaaaaa... Fanniiiiiiiiii :p

5th December 2006, 03:58 AM
He Bloody He !!!!!!!!!! Crazy Ass MOFO !!!!!!!!!!!:eek::p:D

5th December 2006, 05:47 AM
What a fud

6th December 2006, 08:39 AM
Very much like the way we used to dispose of our old almost used up camping propane bottles.

1. Make another fire far away from your camp - then put the almost used up propane bottle in the fire - find suitable cover - then shoot with pistol or ???

Make one BIG fire ball:p

However , I did grow up and do NOT do this anymore - at least while the kids are around:D

6th December 2006, 09:50 AM
What a tit