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30th June 2004, 04:42 PM
TribalMini - I'll bring the sunscreen again !!

Maxxed Ross
30th June 2004, 07:01 PM
As long as it's not too coloudy it should be good. Really looking forward to my first Mini run! :D

Monsta Mo Mini
1st July 2004, 05:13 PM


Monsta Mo Mini
1st July 2004, 05:16 PM
Howard - I'll give you a call either tonight or tomorrow about club stand type stuff.

1st July 2004, 06:30 PM
Hmmm how the weather can change :mad::disapprove: still ... fingers crossed!8)

1st July 2004, 06:34 PM
Could be an electrifying experience by the looks of it!!! HEE HEE!!!

1st July 2004, 06:38 PM
quote:Originally posted by Smurf

TribalMini - I'll bring the sunscreen again !!

And the waterproofs!:D

The Bull
1st July 2004, 11:25 PM
I'm from Arbroath and have a '04 MCS Indy Blue White S'Spokes & white stripes...can I join in? If so where do we have to be and when?

2nd July 2004, 12:49 AM
Shoppie, put me and the missus down as defo now, cheers buddy. :D

2nd July 2004, 12:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by picklehammer

I'm from Arbroath and have a '04 MCS Indy Blue White S'Spokes & white stripes...can I join in? If so where do we have to be and when?

Be at the Focus DIY Car Park before 10.30am...

Or you can come thru to Dundee to the UGC Cinema car park (we're leaving there at 9.30!) and join in with ALL of us for a little ;) convoy.... :D:D:D

Welcome aboard!!! :D:D:D

2nd July 2004, 03:15 AM
Can't wait I am considering parking the car up at the UGC on Friday night then at least if I sleep in you guys can wake me up!

2nd July 2004, 03:55 AM
Hi all

Unfortunately.........I now won't be able to make Saturday due to work commitments :(

Hope you all have a good time and looking forward to seeing pics if anyone is taking them.



2nd July 2004, 04:20 AM
Sorry you won't make it Gary - I'm sure there will be plenty of photos taken and shared.

MINI cleaned today, so can be sure it will chuck it down on Saturday now!

2nd July 2004, 06:56 AM

Its all happening already!

The Funfair has arrived and the RAF have the Harrier & Hercules safely tucked up for the night in Condor ready for assembly tomorrow!!!!

2nd July 2004, 06:59 PM
Great, I'll come too!

Willie M
2nd July 2004, 10:48 PM
Awww!! Poo Poo !! :( Better get my anorak looked out 8)
Arbroath Weather Forecast (http://uk.weather.yahoo.com/UKXX/UKXX1053/index_c.html)

3rd July 2004, 12:54 AM
WOO HOOO ITS TOMMORROW.........cant wait....see you all tommorrow

3rd July 2004, 01:46 AM
Maybe they will be wrong Willie M

3rd July 2004, 01:46 AM
just to let you know i now cant make it along :(:(

maybe next year tho

3rd July 2004, 02:27 AM
is anyone bringing a gazebo or a tent, think we might get wet.

3rd July 2004, 03:06 AM
Not long now folks.
Hands up all those just heading out to wash and wax their MINIs :D.

3rd July 2004, 03:07 AM
washed the mini's this morning

3rd July 2004, 03:13 AM
Wends here I was to be number 44 tomorrow but my mini just died an hour ago and has had to be towed away. Can't see it being ready for tomorrow Sorry.
I am gutted! Didn't expect the clutch on a 2 year old car to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd July 2004, 03:18 AM
quote:Originally posted by Goldmini

Not long now folks.
Hands up all those just heading out to wash and wax their MINIs :D.

Took day off work to wash and wax it, how sad am I;):p

3rd July 2004, 03:38 AM
quote:Originally posted by Goldmini

Not long now folks.
Hands up all those just heading out to wash and wax their MINIs :D.


3rd July 2004, 03:49 AM
Just finished doing mine!!! Even carried on when it started to chuck it down!! Hopefully thats it out of it's system now and tomorrow will be lovely and sunny!!!! Fingers crossed guys!!!!! See you tomorrow!!!

3rd July 2004, 03:56 AM
Did mine too and was avoiding the rain! Look forward to seeing everyone for the first time tomorrow!

3rd July 2004, 03:59 AM
I did mine in the rain, then had a BBQ :D

3rd July 2004, 04:05 AM
Yayyyy!!!! The REAL mini lovers do it in the rain!!!! HEE HEE!!! Only joking!!!! Yep it's nice here too now!!!! Bl**dy scottish weather!!!!

3rd July 2004, 04:19 AM
i'ma go wash mine now. try and hide the vandalism as best i can tomorrow :(

3rd July 2004, 04:56 AM
Washed it ,gave up in the rain ,and had a few beers hahahahah .

3rd July 2004, 05:01 AM
I can't make it tomorrow :( cousins wedding on sunday and so much to do, tried to work my way out of it and stuff but no luck :(

sorry folks.. hopefully see you on a run sometime in the future!!

Duncan Stewart
3rd July 2004, 06:30 AM
Just back from a week in the lake district :D - the rain kept the squashed flies to minimum! :eek: but I've still given it a wax for tomorrow. Lookin forward to it. Trying to catch up with a weeks worth of posts on the site now!

Willie M
3rd July 2004, 07:02 AM
Washed the car earlier, whilst ducking in and out of the garage during the downpours :p Never really got him properly dried off though.

Hoping for a scorcher tomorrow, then you can all admire Chunk's streaky marks :I

3rd July 2004, 07:31 AM
Just back from the park - everything is in place, all we need is MINIS & good weather

3rd July 2004, 07:39 AM
quote:Originally posted by shoppie

Just back from the park - everything is in place, all we need is MINIS & good weather

We can bring the MINIs but someone else will need to do the weather :)

See you all bright and early tomorrow :sleepy:.

3rd July 2004, 07:53 AM
Just washed mine too! :)

3rd July 2004, 10:10 AM
Hamish has had his bath, polish and gloss too! Sad is ok really, beats working. I just got the last bit gleaming when the rain came!

3rd July 2004, 01:30 PM
Mini's NP ....the weather well that's down to a n other !see you all in the East

3rd July 2004, 03:45 PM
:pNow why did you all have to go and wash you cars:mad:

Does this mean I will have to do the same?

I think Alan should help as he was with me when it got dirty:D:D

3rd July 2004, 06:53 PM
Just posting while having a wee break!! Hope you all have fun, I really wish I could have made it, but at the moment, moving is our priority!!:eek::p

3rd July 2004, 07:32 PM
im right here with u julz :(

4th July 2004, 03:19 AM
Great day out at Arbroath ......shame about the weather ,(and the car is stinking of Fish !!! I bought Smokies before any silly replies are posted !!!!. hehe ,)still it was good fun ...Check cool links Sunday for photographs and feel free to download as req'd .

4th July 2004, 03:29 AM
http://community.webshots.com/user/abinalba for Red Arrows photo's

4th July 2004, 04:26 AM
Just back.....Bloody Brilliant!!!!!!!

4th July 2004, 04:48 AM
Absolutely fantastic day, the weather held when it was needed, the Red Arrows were fantastic, then I would say that wouldn't I;)
Great to see all you again, and getting to know you all that bit more:D
Huge well done to Richard and Claire for turning up:p
And what was that language from you Claire whilst Russ Swift was trying to relieve you of your breakfast,Heeeee Heeeeee.:evil:
Great to see you both and great that you enjoyed your first run:D:D:D
No excuses for lots more now;)

4th July 2004, 05:00 AM
Home and dried off now!!! Brilliant day excluding weather at times of course!! Thank you Shoppie for suggesting it and for the the food vouchers!!! Great to catch up with all the old faces and the new ones!!!! Can't wait til Cullen!!!! Excellent photos so far Angus!!

4th July 2004, 05:31 AM
Howard, full respect to you, what an effort you put into today and how good was it:D
It was commented on how well organised and the events were well timed, you are the man:D
Take a great big pat on back.:D

4th July 2004, 05:36 AM
Shoppie, many thanks for such a great day out - got to see both Russ Swift and the Red Arrows on the same day, amazing! - We really enjoyed the lunch as well (smokies of course). What a nice place Arbroath is, the tourist board should give you a medal.

4th July 2004, 05:38 AM
Well done Howard, great day out, and i'm glad all your hard work was "rewarded" with the run with Russ Swift.

As for the weather, well, what else would you expect from a Scottish Summers day, but hey, everyone managed to get on and enjoy the day.

Well done to everyone else, a great turn out of MINI's, quite a sight

Duncan Stewart
4th July 2004, 05:56 AM
What a great show today. Fantastic work Shoppie.
Sorry I didn't get to chat to some more of you as the rain kept us in the car longer than we would have liked.
I got some good photos of Russ swift and later some of the NMS Minis with the red arrows above. No time to post them tonight as I'm away on my holidays again until next Sunday. I'll maybe post some then if no one else has.
Cheers everyone :D :cool:

eddie 44
4th July 2004, 07:44 AM
first time out ....... brill really enjoyed it , who picked the route from dundee to arbroath ?
10/10 what a road, met lots of very friendly people , even the weather did,nt spoil a great day.
a big thank you to the folks from up north ie...... aberdeen had a great wee chat, white cooper,
zeemax kit, grey cooper s. hope you found your way home ...... lol
eddie 44 red cooper

4th July 2004, 05:53 PM
couldnt agree more! my first time too and apart from gettin there rather late and the rain it was still lots of fun seein everyone else with their cars and stunt show wasnt bad either!!

4th July 2004, 05:54 PM
PHOTO FROM RED ARROWS RUN NOW UPLOADED http://community.webshots.com/user/abinalba


4th July 2004, 06:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by X30YES

PHOTO FROM RED ARROWS RUN NOW UPLOADED http://community.webshots.com/user/abinalba


Great photos Angus:cool: - So it was you behind us parking at strange angles to get the photos - well done!

4th July 2004, 08:14 PM
What a good day yesterday turned out be, despite the best efforts of our summer weather. And well done to Shoppie and everyone in Arbroath who organised the event. Russ Swift was good, the Red Arrows even better!

Uploaded some pictures at www.fotki.com/nysavant/arbroath will put on some more and sort out the duffers later tonight :).

4th July 2004, 10:33 PM
First time out and had a great day even though we didn't arrive until the afternoon and missed the convoy !!

Big hello to edd who we squeezed in next to, found our way home via the Bervie chipper mmmmmmm !! Hope to see you on our 2nd outing at Cullen, providing we can get out of bed in time.
Also hi to the blue coop we were behind at montrose, and the indi blue CS with union jack mirror caps that passed us in layby before Inverbervie. Hopefully get to know more of you next time.

And is just me or does anyone else wish Russ Swift was your driving instructor ??

5th July 2004, 12:39 AM
quote:Originally posted by M4XNS

And is just me or does anyone else wish Russ Swift was your driving instructor ??

I kept telling people I wanted him to be my Dad!
That would be so cool..... :D

(Sorry Dad (not that he'll ever see this) - you're cool too... :I)

5th July 2004, 01:14 AM
Great stuff Shoppie, had an excellent time mate!

5th July 2004, 01:30 AM
quote:by M4XNS Also hi to the blue coop we were behind at montrose, and the indi blue CS with union jack mirror caps that passed us in layby before Inverbervie. Hopefully get to know more of you next time.

Maxine, the blue coop would probably have been Hamish driven by Sheilz. And the EB CS with union jack mirrors was me :cool:. We were a couple of cars behind you and Jordan on the way back, but then we got stuck behind a sunday driver. Was enjoying listening to the sound of Jordans exhaust :D, going to have to get a better exhaust for my S now. If I had seen the two of you in the layby sooner we would have pulled in and had a chat.

5th July 2004, 01:58 AM
Well done Shoppie for a great day out, really enjoyed it, thanks also for the food voucher which was put to good use in The Old Brew House :D, thanks also to Allen for keeping the convoy information up to date and for keeping me right with directions, right and left etc :I. Looking forward to seeing you all again on future runs, cheers for now guys.

5th July 2004, 02:12 AM
Fantastic day! Who knew you could use the MINI as a hairdryer?! (heat and fan up full through one open vent and I was dry in no time!) :D


Russ Swift was amazing! :cool:
The hotdogs were good!
And the Red Arrows were great (in some sun too!)!



5th July 2004, 02:49 AM
Just want to echo what everyone else has already said, and say a big thanx to shoppie for an excellent day, apart from the rain.... ;):D

5th July 2004, 03:16 AM
Well we got there even if we had to take a detour round Arbroath. The reverse up onto the park was great clutch a bit smelly. The ride with Russ Swift will be in my memories for ever all in all a great first run. Hope to make more in the future. "Try a mini prayer for less rain next time".

5th July 2004, 03:21 AM
Well done Shoppie and the Arbroath folks for a great day out - even the tyical scottish July weather couldn't waste it. Red Arrows and Russ Swift FAB, Tornado bleedin' scary! Wasn't it good to have the Polis stopping the traffic on the way in - dead handy that.

Hope everybody got home safe & sound - we sneaked out the seafront tarmac road to avoid yon nasty mud......

5th July 2004, 03:54 AM
Cracking picture Astrohaggis!! Smurf's wee flag came out really well !! And the planes aren't bad either....... :)

5th July 2004, 04:29 AM
I'd like to say thank you too. Me and the kids had a brilliant time. The atmosphere was fantastic despite the weather:D:D. We cant wait to do something like this again:D:D:D. I'm really disappointed I cant make the Cullen run:(.
It was Hamish in Montrose. Unfortunately I had to take the other way home otherwise we would have been tempted by a fish supper from Bervie as well. The boys were very impressed with the grey S behind us, the contents too!!:approve::p
I think i could benefit from some parking lessons from the man himself:I:I.

5th July 2004, 04:49 AM
quote:Originally posted by 3GGG

quote:Originally posted by X30YES

PHOTO FROM RED ARROWS RUN NOW UPLOADED http://community.webshots.com/user/abinalba


Great photos Angus:cool: - So it was you behind us parking at strange angles to get the photos - well done!

5th July 2004, 04:50 AM
Great pictures guys, hope you dont mind me nicking a couple for my webshots album

5th July 2004, 04:57 AM
Howard, I would like to add my thanks for such a well organised event. It was good to see so many happy like minded people enjoying a great day out.:D:D:D

PS. The event even got a mention in the Sunday Post. They said that a total of 63 new minis turned up! Did anyone actually get round to count the actual amount? To me, it looked like nearer 70 cars. Anyway it was a new Scottish record for the new mini. :D

PPS. Claire is now showing off her new neck brace after her drive with Russ Swift;);)

Once again well done for the event.

quote:Originally posted by phantom

Howard, full respect to you, what an effort you put into today and how good was it:D
It was commented on how well organised and the events were well timed, you are the man:D
Take a great big pat on back.:D

5th July 2004, 05:54 AM
Hi folks

Thanks for kind comments:). I must admit I was nearly speechless when I arrived at Focus and saw all those MINIS8)8)8). Ewan the Cabriolet driver couldn't believe his eyes.
I'm sorry I didn't get more time to talk to you all during the day but things were rather hectic on the radio at times as the weather played a major part in the appearance of the airborne attractions

A HUGE thanks from myself and the Arbroath Business Assocation for attending and helping to make the event the spectacular it was (weather and all!):cool::cool:. Everyone here is talking about MINIS, Tornado and Red Arrows.
An extra thanks to Calum for providing the Run Plaques and the banner and also to Allen for his part in the convoy thread.

If anyone has a pic of me on 2 wheels with Russ - Could I have a copy??

Thanks again - you all made my day:p:p

5th July 2004, 06:27 AM
I echo all the comments above really enjoyed myself. Special shout out to all those I spoke to Willie M, KJ, Low n Loud, Gaj, Eddie, Calum, Martin and apologies for the names I have forgotten. I particularly enjoyed getting lost in Arbroath even though I knew how to get to Mcds. Special mention also to Gaj who upset one of Tayside Police's finest by asking if we could escape early!

Great organisation shoppie

Hope to see everyone again soon

5th July 2004, 06:35 AM
superb event shoppie we all had a braw day the kids never even moaned once, which was good for mum and dad pity about the rain at times.cant wait till next trip .
once again thanks
chris ,karen, amanda,scott

weefozzy Jr
5th July 2004, 07:08 AM
well what can i say, shoppie great day. i think a history section is needed on the web site as this was one to remember. i mean come on how many of you can say you have ever seen anything like that. i mean 70 odd mini's and all the owners looked like drowned cats. kirsty no offence but you won that one. i enjoyed it more as it was my first time as a driver. thanks everyone.

ewan whats thge name of the song u played in my car.

oh did anyone else get a gift from the puppet show man.

5th July 2004, 08:27 AM
Honestly Smurf, it's always the same - I try and get a nice shot of the flag on someone's MINI and a bunch of neds try and get in the picture! :p

Just cos they're in bright red jets they think they're special! Bet you anything they've got burberry helmets!!! :D

Monsta Mo Mini
5th July 2004, 04:27 PM
Press coverage from the event:



Maxxed Ross
5th July 2004, 04:54 PM
Well it was my first day out too and it was great. Getting lost is all part of the fun! I got some pictures from most of the run stages but they're far too big to email to anyone! I'll try to put them online myself (:dead::question::eek:) at some point if I can work out how. Great run, well done everyone!

5th July 2004, 07:13 PM
quote:Originally posted by shoppie
If anyone has a pic of me on 2 wheels with Russ - Could I have a copy??

Have a look here Howard (http://homepage.mac.com/braeside/PhotoAlbum11.html)

5th July 2004, 07:32 PM
ewan whats thge name of the song u played in my car.

Umm.. good question..
The name of the file that I've got (as an .MP3) is FM104-STRAWBERRY-ENGERLAND.mp3 but I tried to find it online and can't see it anywhere... I'll try to emailit to ya!

oh did anyone else get a gift from the puppet show man.

ummm... no... but I hear he had a 'special gift' for you!! :p;););););)

5th July 2004, 07:35 PM
My Red Arrows photos are here (http://homepage.mac.com/braeside/PhotoAlbum12.html)

5th July 2004, 07:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by eddie 44

first time out ....... brill really enjoyed it , who picked the route from dundee to arbroath ?
10/10 what a road,

Umm... guilty as charged!! ;)

It's a local fave for me! shame the rain appeared just at the REALLY fun bit.. that huge dip is ace when you're nipping on a bit!! ;);):approve::D:D

glad you enjoyed! ...much better than the dull A92!!

5th July 2004, 07:41 PM
Well... all I can do is repeat everyone else's comments!!

Fantastic day out, we really enjoyed it! even the rain didn't dampen any enthusiasm!
Great to see Russ Swift in action again, especially having the bottle to go up on two wheels when it was that wet. apparently he's never tried that before! :eek::D

Even better to see all the usual suspects again, as well as lots of new faces!

Can't wait to see y'all at Cullen!! only 3 weeks to go and counting!!

Finally, massive thanks to Howard for all the hard work and organisation!! I know how much work something like this takes!
Fantastic job!! Hope you'll be giving it another go next year!


Big Gordy
5th July 2004, 09:07 PM
I can only echo what everyone else has said..........well done shoppie it was a grand day out :p:D:approve:

Willie M
5th July 2004, 09:12 PM
Already said by one and all but I'd like to add my thanks to Howards and his team of organisers. An absolutely fantastic day out, big well done to you all.

Apart from meeting Ln'L 1 again (;)), and Big Col (for the 1st time), the Tornado flypast was the absolute highlight for me. Just pure awesome :approve::cool:

Great to meet up with all the NMS regulars again and to meet so many new faces too. Look forward to our next get together :cool: When is it again???? ;);):D

Big Col
5th July 2004, 09:46 PM
Awwwwwwwww shucks. He's a smoothie that WillieM :I

Shame he's spoken for...:kiss:;)

5th July 2004, 10:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Awwwwwwwww shucks. He's a smoothie that WillieM :I
Shame he's spoken for...:kiss:;)

Aye.... <narrows eyes>... Just you keep yer eyes an' hauns to yerself ya dobber!!! ;):mad::blackeye::eek::p:D:D:D

Ah saw him furst!!!! :p

Willie M
5th July 2004, 10:24 PM
Aw f***!! Whit huv ah started? :I

6th July 2004, 12:29 AM
Just superb!! it was a great day..Well done and thanks to Shoppie for everything. (it must have been a nightmare for you...but i'm sure it was worth it for a bit of 2 wheels with Russ Swift!!)

The Bull
6th July 2004, 12:49 AM
That song you were after, you'll get it at : http://www.fm104.ie

What can I say? It's all been said. My first time out but unfortunately I didn't take part in the "adventures" as I am from Arbroath. Next time. It was quite something seeing Mini after Mini turn up at Focus...superb. Nice to meet other Mini owners from all over too. Mine was definitely the shiniest though!!

Maxxed Ross
6th July 2004, 03:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by Willie M

the Tornado flypast was the absolute highlight for me. Just pure awesome :approve::cool:

Yeah the tornado was my fav bit too.

Still not sure how the Zeemax managed to get over all the bumps in the grass :p

The Bull
6th July 2004, 04:32 AM
Seeing as everyone liked the jets so much...(especially the Tornado F3)...how does getting involved with the Leuchars Air Show Sound? Just a suggestion.

6th July 2004, 05:58 AM
Howard, what a great day. It really was worth all the organisers' hard work. Thank them from us. Hope you enjoyed your treat with Russ swift, it was well deserved.:D

First time in Arbroath and we loved it. Had my smokies for lunch today (working from home)and they were special.:approve:

Angus, great photo(think it was yours)of Neil's Cooper,Saltire and Red Arrows, a copy of which is on the Den wall:cool:thanks for that.

Neil enjoyed his birthday party, thanks to everyone who joined in. Can we start a new thread to teach him how to sit in a mini. He can't get out of the "Corsa Ned Position":disapprove:

Big Col
6th July 2004, 04:07 PM
quote:Originally posted by picklehammer

Seeing as everyone liked the jets so much...(especially the Tornado F3)...how does getting involved with the Leuchars Air Show Sound? Just a suggestion.

I thought about that but have no idea how to go about it. Would be cool to have as many MINIs as Saturday cruising down the runway weaving from side to side. :):D:cool:

Willie M
6th July 2004, 04:08 PM
A trip to Leuchars would be fun.

6th July 2004, 05:03 PM

Still not sure how the Zeemax managed to get over all the bumps in the grass :p

That was the easy bit the mud was soft mind you the car had a mud beard when we got home:p

Leuchers would be good (need to look out the ear plugs);)

The Bull
6th July 2004, 05:17 PM
I used to be an engineer on one of the Tornado squadrons at Leuchars but unfortunately I'm really busy with work to take on the task of organising a jaunt to the Kingdom of Fife. If anyone has more time than me I maybe suggest contacting the organisers on info@airshow.co.uk . Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Could maybe help more on the day though, getting some members closer to the jets - Still have a few contacts on the squadron.

6th July 2004, 05:37 PM
I would suggest someone starting a Leuchars thread if there is sufficient interest :) rather than discuss it here ;)

Big Col
6th July 2004, 06:39 PM
oooh the ickle mod lays the smack down! :p

6th July 2004, 06:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

I would suggest someone starting a Leuchars thread if there is sufficient interest :) rather than discuss it here ;)

A fine Idea! Another thread would be handy too!
I'll be going along as usual, but if someone were to try to organise something for us that would be superb! (and we might get to park closer too!)

hmm.. Chris? Any suggestions? ;):D

6th July 2004, 09:40 PM
I might able to get an answer on this fairly quickly. My co-organiser of the seafront job is in daily contact with the airshow office at Leuchars. I'll come back with an answer soon.

6th July 2004, 11:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by weefossy

Howard, what a great day. It really was worth all the organisers' hard work. Thank them from us. Hope you enjoyed your treat with Russ swift, it was well deserved.:D

First time in Arbroath and we loved it. Had my smokies for lunch today (working from home)and they were special.:approve:

Angus, great photo(think it was yours)of Neil's Cooper,Saltire and Red Arrows, a copy of which is on the Den wall:cool:thanks for that.

Neil enjoyed his birthday party, thanks to everyone who joined in. Can we start a new thread to teach him how to sit in a mini. He can't get out of the "Corsa Ned Position":disapprove:

6th July 2004, 11:23 PM
Leuchars sounds a good idea and I will be able to supply the guys with ear plugs if need be !! haha...lets hope its when I'm not offshore !! .

7th July 2004, 03:42 AM
That didn't take long!

Although space at Leuchars Airshow is commercial, the organisers think its a great idea and they may be able to set aside an area for us F.O.C. There would be a strict rule regarding our participation though...
We must be on site by 07:30am in the morning and must remain in place until the show ends (around 6:00pm) There will be no possibility of anyone leaving early!!
I have the contact name and telephone no. to get back to if you wish to proceed.

7th July 2004, 03:48 AM
07;30 ...does that make into an overnighter now .....!!!!!!!!yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee who started this great idea . hahaha

7th July 2004, 03:49 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

I would suggest someone starting a Leuchars thread if there is sufficient interest :) rather than discuss it here ;)

A fine Idea! Another thread would be handy too!
I'll be going along as usual, but if someone were to try to organise something for us that would be superb! (and we might get to park closer too!)

hmm.. Chris? Any suggestions? ;):D

Sorry Ewan, I know I spent 12 years working at Leuchars as an Aircraft Techie, I will be at Mini in the Park at Silverstone at this time and away on hols.:(
Also all my contacts are either out now or dead!;)

7th July 2004, 05:16 AM
what date is it on, intrest in going, what about a sleep over the night before for a drink and food, then the show?

7th July 2004, 05:42 AM
Sat 11th Sept
www.airshow.co.uk for more details

7th July 2004, 08:45 AM
Sounds like a plan - would be quite happy to stay all day :).

Big Col
7th July 2004, 04:05 PM
<looks guilty> Soz again for leaving early from Arbroath Shoppie. :(:I

Maxxed Ross
8th July 2004, 12:09 AM
yeah cheeky. We were going to ask you if you wanted to run home together, only to find that you had sneaked off at some point. :evil:

8th July 2004, 06:51 AM
It was Hamish in Montrose. Unfortunately I had to take the other way home otherwise we would have been tempted by a fish supper from Bervie as well. The boys were very impressed with the grey S behind us, the contents too!!:approve::p

Hi Sheilz,

Glad ur boys thought so we are both very flattered and embaressed !!:I:I

Hope to see you all again soon ;)

9th July 2004, 02:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by weefozzy Jr

well what can i say, shoppie great day. i think a history section is needed on the web site as this was one to remember. i mean come on how many of you can say you have ever seen anything like that. i mean 70 odd mini's and all the owners looked like drowned cats. kirsty no offence but you won that one. i enjoyed it more as it was my first time as a driver. thanks everyone.

ewan whats thge name of the song u played in my car.

oh did anyone else get a gift from the puppet show man.

HEE HEE HEE!!!! Think I might have to agree!!! Do I get a prize ??? :D

Monsta Mo Mini
8th August 2004, 08:40 PM
Pics online (finally) http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/arbroath_2004/index.html

Duncan Stewart
9th August 2004, 07:05 PM
Excellent as usual Calum! :D

15th August 2004, 04:58 AM
Just found these pics Calum - excellent work. We are compiling a dvd of the whole event which should be ready by mid september. Can I include some of your pics in it??

4th April 2005, 12:27 AM
Not too late I hope, add me and the wife to this one, and of course the Cooper !

4th April 2005, 01:24 AM
Ahem - might be in the wrong place? http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/snitzforums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2499 :clown:

4th April 2005, 05:05 AM
Ah ha so you noticed my deliberate mistake.
Cheers Wul, will post in this years topic!

9th April 2005, 09:30 PM
add my name to the list please :)

11th April 2005, 12:08 AM
quote:Originally posted by Borrisimo

add my name to the list please :)

Hi Borrisimo,

You did the exact same thing as myself. This thread is for last years event.
Try: http://www.newminiscotland.co.uk/snitzforums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2499

11th April 2005, 12:27 AM

So thats why it says July 3rd then :)


11th April 2005, 01:29 AM
Maybe a kind moderator will come along and lock this thread now? :clown:

11th April 2005, 01:50 AM
Would be a good idea

11th April 2005, 02:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by Wul
Maybe a kind moderator will come along and lock this thread now? :clown:
Alakazam :)