View Full Version : chavtastic

1st December 2006, 05:59 PM
1. What do you call a chav in a box?


2. What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet?


3. What do you call a chav in a box with a lock on it?


4. What do you call an Eskimo chav?


5. Why are Chavs like slinkies?

They have no real use but it's great to watch one fall down a flight of

6. What do you call a Chavette in a white tracksuit?

The bride.

7. You're in your car and you see a Chav on a bike, why should you try not to hit him?

It might be your bike.

8. What's the difference between a Chav and a coconut?

One's thick and hairy, the other's a coconut.

9. What's the first question at a Chav quiz night?

"What you lookin' at?"

10. Two Chavs in a car without any music. Who's driving?

The police

11. What do you call a chav with 9 GCSE's?

A liar.

12. What do you say to a chav with a job?

Can I have a big mac please?

13. What do you say to a chav in a suit?

Will the defendant please stand

14. What do u call a knife in chavsville?

Exhibit A

15. Why is 3 chavs going over a cliff in a Nova a shame?

A Nova seats 4

16. What do you call a 30 year old chavette?


17. What do you call 100 chavs at the bottom of a river?

A start.

18. How many chavs does it take to clean a floor?

None, "That's some uvver bleeders job innit."

19. Why did the chav take a shower?

He didn't mean to, he just forgot to close the Nova's window in the car wash

20. What do you call a Chav at college?

The cleaner.

1st December 2006, 06:38 PM
Ace :cool::D:D:D:D:D:D

1st December 2006, 06:49 PM
Class :cool:

1st December 2006, 09:12 PM
How true, spot on