View Full Version : Short Aero/Chrome Front Grille Query

16th November 2006, 09:09 PM
Right all you Aero Kit experts! :D Is it possible to pop the Chrome Line Exterior :cool: Front Grilles into the Aero Kit - as opposed to using the black plastic :sleepy: Aero-stylee grilles :question: The Bonnet aperture :I must be the same size for both, but not sure about the smaller lower one. I'm thinking about various tweeks :kiss: for G3 ELF, so if someone could clear this one up for me that's be good :approve:

16th November 2006, 10:11 PM
Pretty sure it is, as the Airfix one that's in is glued in..
Not 100% sure tho, no expert! :D

And now I can't remember having seen one done..

Mon the fish
17th November 2006, 04:18 AM
I'm sure a slight bit of trimming of the grille is needed as they are slightly different shapes, but it will fit

17th November 2006, 04:20 AM
I have seen cars with aero kits and the chrome grill fitted as well. Im sure John Cooper Garages do their own cars like that as Mike Cooper doesnt like the black grill. I definately read that somewhere.

17th November 2006, 08:19 AM
Yes it can be fitted, although its not a straight forward fit;)

They are both the same shape but the locating lugs dont line up and the chrome grill is too deep therefore would stick out.

Carefully trim down the back of the grill and it looks great!:cool:

18th November 2006, 02:43 AM
Thanks John, Ian, Fish N' Low.

Food for thought once I've been to see the 'New' New MINI on Sunday and decided finally whether I like it or not.......