View Full Version : Nintendo Wii console

AndyP & Lenore
11th November 2006, 04:55 AM
How many ceilings are going to have controllers embedded in them after flying out of over-excited kids hands.

Linky opens Nintendo Wii site with a short video showing someone using the wireless controller. (http://us.wii.com/viewer.jsp?vid=17)

And Nintendo's Wii site can be found here. (http://www.nintendo.com/channel/wii)


11th November 2006, 08:38 AM
Ah.. I love it every time an ex-colleague of min esays she can't wait to play with her Wii..

Makes me snigger every time! :clown::D:D:D

11th November 2006, 12:15 PM
As long as she doesn't go and freeze herself into the future to avoid the wait for the Wii ;):eek:;):)

12th November 2006, 12:40 AM
You know, I know PS3 is going to be superb, but I reckon I might get a Wii instead.

AndyP & Lenore
12th November 2006, 06:37 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan

You know, I know PS3 is going to be superb, but I reckon I might get a Wii instead.
I'm sorta thinking along those lines too. But I've been stung with Nintendo's before. £300 at launch. £150 two weeks later!:eek::eek:

12th November 2006, 06:24 PM
I saw it advertised in HMV last week - Wii is going to be 179 on release, which includes a game (wii sports, which sounds like some dodgy website).

AndyP & Lenore
12th November 2006, 06:52 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

I saw it advertised in HMV last week - Wii is going to be 179 on release, which includes a game (wii sports, which sounds like some dodgy website).
LOL. You can't help but think the marketing department have got this a wii bit wrong this time round.:D


12th November 2006, 10:08 PM
Papers today they were saying that the new PS3 just blows the xbox 360 and the wii right out of the game altogether... Apparently everything about it is just AMAZING. I'm going to try and hold out for one, but not @ £420 I'll try and wait for the prices to drop for xmas next year maybe :D

13th November 2006, 01:40 AM
Yes, the PS3 does look amazing. However, from what I've seen it's just the same games that look better - Wii will at least be a bit more inventive.

Mon the fish
14th November 2006, 03:02 AM
I'm waiting to see what the game situation turns out like, after all thats what its all about!

March 2008 for a PS3 for me, just after the post-Xmas price cut :D

14th November 2006, 08:16 AM
Well i'll be one of the one's queeing at the door for the PS3. The stats alone show's that it will blow the 360 out of this world!

Pricey yes.....but think about the amount of hours it will be used and to be honest, its not that bad cuz it's gona be around for at least 7/8 years!!

The Dogfather
15th November 2006, 05:28 PM
Who cares about stats, the Wii will piss on the PS3 when it comes to fun :D

15th November 2006, 06:48 PM
I'll be waiying for the PS3 too..

Seriously, you guys are looking forward to waving a silly 'Wii' (chuckle) stick around to play games? :D:D;):p

An ex colleague of of mine has just got a job for Cohort studios.. who are working on some games for PS3 (and Xbox and Wii I think)

<cof>Freebies?<cof> ;):D:D

15th November 2006, 06:51 PM
nope you got to get the PS3 just so you got angles covered for HD and blue ray.:cool::cool:

The PS3's go on release in the states it is either this Thursday or Next:D

16th November 2006, 04:13 AM
quote:Originally posted by Vidal Buffoon

Who cares about stats, the Wii will piss on the PS3 when it comes to fun :D

The Wii does look fun but not to sure how much serious gaming you could do with a controller like that!! Driving games would be a bit of a b*tch!!:blackeye:

16th November 2006, 04:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

nope you got to get the PS3 just so you got angles covered for HD and blue ray.:cool::cool:

Blu-Ray "should" win hands down! Much higher capacity and higher access speeds and cheaper...god know's why HD is even being considered!!:eek:

16th November 2006, 07:29 AM
Its being considered as its mightly cheaper than Blu-ray.

Its VHS v Betamax all over again.

16th November 2006, 06:47 PM
But as with all these things, the cost will come down.

Betamax was the superior technology but it lost out on cost as well, so will be interesting. I just can't believe they are doing this all over again!

The Dogfather
16th November 2006, 07:15 PM
They did try to sort it out but no one was willing to back down.

AndyP & Lenore
16th November 2006, 07:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

But as with all these things, the cost will come down.

Betamax was the superior technology but it lost out on cost as well, so will be interesting. I just can't believe they are doing this all over again!

You think this is bad. The Cinema industry worldwide are "trying" to agree on a single standard for digital cinema projection. At the moment there are two systems = each costing in the region of £80,000 for a single projector. If they all stick to their guns, every cinema in the world will have to install two projectors in each projection room, to cover both formats. Compare that against the cost of a top quality 35mm (current film standard) projector of around £10,000. YIKES!:eek:

Pretty sure they will come to their senses in the end though.


16th November 2006, 09:29 PM
The costs would come down for HD-DVD as well though, so unless BluRay comes down to a level that is close to HD, or for the money, it has a major feature advantage over HD it'll be struggling to beat it in applications outwith consoles. IMHO.

17th November 2006, 09:26 PM
Have you seen how much PS3 are going for on the US ebay site? Loads on there and they are ALL over $2000!

There were two on ebay UK which have been removed.

I don't want to buy one, was looking out of interest to see the desperation of people!

2nd December 2006, 01:02 AM


2nd December 2006, 01:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan



And an action video!

2nd December 2006, 01:35 AM
so when will the wii nintendo be released in the Uk or is it already out:I

2nd December 2006, 05:31 AM
December 8th,

Holding out for an XBOX 360 price drop after xmas tho, Wii just looks too much for the weans for me. And they'll be no GTA4 on it! ;)

AndyP & Lenore
2nd December 2006, 08:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan



You've no idea how satisfying it is for me to be proved right for a change.:D:D:D

<<<<Off to find Lenore and show her this thread.:eek:
