View Full Version : BBC Panorama

10th November 2006, 04:23 AM
Did anyone watch this lastnight? a bit sensationalised but bloody scarey.


Undercover footage of a predatory paedophile who raped and murdered a child, who warned he will re offend... out in the community unsupervised taking photos of children outside a public toilet !:mad:

10th November 2006, 06:44 PM
No I missed that, was at the GF's parents for dinner last night..

but from reading that.. :mad::mad::disapprove::blackeye::blackeye::eek:

"Mr Reid has set out plans to improve the probation service, which he feels is underperforming."

No $h1t!!!!

Join my political party..., this is my 'Probation Program' for sex offenders..

http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/340614/2/istockphoto_340614_antique_tailor_s_scissors_open_ with_path.jpg

10th November 2006, 07:47 PM
I watched it online yesterday.

Truly shocking. What annoyed me the most was the feeble excuses given by the woman from the Probation Service.

The Dogfather
10th November 2006, 07:50 PM
Probation Service to become Castration Service?

I'm not surprised people aren't being monitored properly most government departments are having to do the same work with 20% less staff. All because of the money being invested into the NHS.

11th November 2006, 08:58 AM
I heard about this at work and I do also find this really disturbing but, before slagging off the service please bear in mind that like every other area of social work it will be seriously under resourced while workers have massive increases in work loads to cope with. Blame governments, European legislation,the judiciary and those that determine budgets because they place almost impossible expectations and working conditions on individual workers. Its a bit like being told you have to juggle a dozen balls blindfold with one hand tied behind your back. Pity that these programmes always sensationsalise a tragedy without balancing it with a reminder to the public that the probation service has protected the public from hundreds of other offenders.

12th November 2006, 12:48 AM
These programmes are there to be sensational - at the end of the day the BBC claims to be public interest but it wants the viewing figures otherwise it gets clobbered.

I'm not saying the subject wasn't unbelivable - the woman from the service and her excuses as has been mentioned, but it didn't try to understand the root cause, why was the service like this?

I don't believe it is the NHS btw. It may be a contributing factor though.

12th November 2006, 12:53 AM
Should just Shoot the Beasts,I dont think they are Possible to rehabilitate them.

12th November 2006, 11:23 AM
The blame does not ly with anyone working in these services, but with those who decide on policy and funding. The blame also sits on the doorstep of the judicial system & prison service,

I dont think these people should be freed atall. If you commit a serious crime against a child then why to **** should others care what happens to you? I dont. We are a nation of fools. We accept these people excist and when they are caught we support them, home them (prison) and feed them, what is that all about?
We then allow them back into our communities and house them, feed them and give them money to live on!!!!!

We should put them down, we put animals down for less!

12th November 2006, 06:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

I heard about this at work and I do also find this really disturbing but, before slagging off the service please bear in mind that like every other area of social work it will be seriously under resourced while workers have massive increases in work loads to cope with. Blame governments, European legislation,the judiciary and those that determine budgets because they place almost impossible expectations and working conditions on individual workers. Its a bit like being told you have to juggle a dozen balls blindfold with one hand tied behind your back. Pity that these programmes always sensationsalise a tragedy without balancing it with a reminder to the public that the probation service has protected the public from hundreds of other offenders.

And the government wonder why they cant get people to go into, or stay in the social work field………… their funding cuts are unmanageable which leads to these types of unacceptable situations…. Or worse …….:mad::disapprove:....
……. Gets down off high horse !!!

12th November 2006, 09:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

The blame does not ly with anyone working in these services, but with those who decide on policy and funding. The blame also sits on the doorstep of the judicial system & prison service,

I dont think these people should be freed atall. If you commit a serious crime against a child then why to **** should others care what happens to you? I dont. We are a nation of fools. We accept these people excist and when they are caught we support them, home them (prison) and feed them, what is that all about?
We then allow them back into our communities and house them, feed them and give them money to live on!!!!!

So right! If pensioners were given the same proportion of public funding as these individuals we'd all end our days living the life of Reilly. The cost to the public purse because someone somewhere says X.Y or Z has GOT to get A,B, or C is shocking. I dont believe they can be rehabilitated either. Cant help feeling if the punishment was made to fit the crime the probation service and other areas of social work would not be under the pressure it is currently.

12th November 2006, 09:33 PM
Case in point, a recent policeman killed in the line of duty trying to arrest a druggie, payout to his widow = £13k, druggie awarded legal aid and costs so far at £1m

Where is the justice :disapprove:

13th November 2006, 04:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

Case in point, a recent policeman killed in the line of duty trying to arrest a druggie, payout to his widow = £13k, druggie awarded legal aid and costs so far at £1m

Where is the justice :disapprove:

What's that:question::blackeye::eek: