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james f
24th October 2006, 04:10 AM
well i felt charlie croaker was too much a reminder of those days on mini2 and since i was a nughty biy and got banned forever i thought the same mane i have on the other kini forums is better :D

AndyP & Lenore
24th October 2006, 04:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by james f

well i felt charlie croaker was too much a reminder of those days on mini2 and since i was a nughty biy and got banned forever i thought the same mane i have on the other kini forums is better :D

OOooh. Spill the beans.... what did they ban you for? Did you have an opinion and expressed it?

james f
24th October 2006, 04:53 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by james f

well i felt charlie croaker was too much a reminder of those days on mini2 and since i was a nughty biy and got banned forever i thought the same mane i have on the other kini forums is better :D

OOooh. Spill the beans.... what did they ban you for? Did you have an opinion and expressed it?

yep thats pretty much it they didnt like the fact that scnm had our own club site and forum and they couldnt sensor our opinoins there so about 10 of us got banned for good if it wasnt then it would have beenn someting else i cant help speek my mind altough it dose often land me in trouble :D

24th October 2006, 05:00 AM
Ah SouthCoastNewMini ;):D

24th October 2006, 07:31 AM
Welcome, new name and all

24th October 2006, 07:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by james f

quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by james f

well i felt charlie croaker was too much a reminder of those days on mini2 and since i was a nughty biy and got banned forever i thought the same mane i have on the other kini forums is better :D

OOooh. Spill the beans.... what did they ban you for? Did you have an opinion and expressed it?

yep thats pretty much it they didnt like the fact that scnm had our own club site and forum and they couldnt sensor our opinoins there so about 10 of us got banned for good if it wasnt then it would have beenn someting else i cant help speek my mind altough it dose often land me in trouble :D

come on you can do better than that. What did you say.????

I find mini2 handy for directing scottish folks to our site:cool: or for getting up to date info on Mini

24th October 2006, 08:50 PM
mini2 taliabn :D does that make you the mini2 bush lover :eek:;)

27th October 2006, 06:01 PM
I find mini2 handy for directing scottish folks to our site:cool: or for getting up to date info on Mini

Unfortunately that's about all it's any good for these days..

It's got too big, and suddenly anyone with a sniff of moderator power has a real Self-Importance complex. :disapprove:

27th October 2006, 06:38 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1Unfortunately that's about all it's any good for these days..
It's got too big, and suddenly anyone with a sniff of moderator power has a real Self-Importance complex. :disapprove:I'd generally liked Mini2, have been a member for 4 years, just yesterday i received my second site warning, delivered by some pompous pleb weilding his mod powers, first warning was for an oversized sig :evil: whap, no message, just a PM telling me i'd received a warning :blackeye: then again, yesterday, whap :evil: warning number 2 because i dared to post pics (strut brace) that were too big.
Once again no wee mesage, just an over zealous twat who took great pleasure in sending me a PM, on both occasions the PM's had the obligatory link to though shall not do this etc.
Frankly, after my PM back to him i'm surprised i Have not been banned :p yet :eek:

Oops, welcome to the site :I:D

30th October 2006, 05:51 AM
Welcome to NMSland

james f
30th October 2006, 09:51 AM
nice to meet anotjer mini owner on the sandwich islands :p

13th November 2006, 10:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by james f

well i felt charlie croaker was too much a reminder of those days on mini2 and since i was a nughty biy and got banned forever i thought the same mane i have on the other kini forums is better :D

Hello Mr Crocker, is your spelling for real?