View Full Version : fifth gear

17th October 2006, 04:10 AM
R56 on tonight.

17th October 2006, 04:27 AM
yip pretty much as I thought.

better better and better:D

can't wait until the 18th of next month.


17th October 2006, 04:32 AM
fake scoop :evil:

Mini Me
17th October 2006, 04:47 AM
looked bloody good though:p
looks like they got it spot on.....

17th October 2006, 04:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by Only Me

looked bloody good though:p
looks like they got it spot on.....

doesn't it just:cool:

Mini Me
17th October 2006, 04:59 AM
i would have one, did you hear the roar ????? WOW:p

17th October 2006, 05:22 AM
Well I entered the competition anyway, only way I'll ever get to own one. :D

Cant wait till the launch then can finally make my mind up on what I think of the car...

17th October 2006, 05:35 PM
We entered the comp too !!! Nice noise off it - didn't look too bad on the TV last night! :cool:

17th October 2006, 06:04 PM
Missed it :disapprove: does anyone know if they will be rerunning it soon!

17th October 2006, 06:06 PM
download it on a bit torrent site

AndyP & Lenore
17th October 2006, 07:02 PM
quote:Originally posted by N12 JLK

Missed it :disapprove: does anyone know if they will be rerunning it soon!

Is it not usually repeated on a Tuesday night:question:

The Bull
17th October 2006, 07:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by PACMAN

download it on a bit torrent site

Which one PACMAN?

17th October 2006, 07:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by The Bull

quote:Originally posted by PACMAN

download it on a bit torrent site

Which one PACMAN?

This site will help you find a download ... is ee it in BTJunkie


18th October 2006, 02:25 AM
The show is repeated on sundays 1.10pm according to their website:)

18th October 2006, 07:05 AM
Only Me - “did you hear the roar ????? WOW”

ROAR? ROAR? ROAR my @rs*! Get yerself PLAYMINI'D!!!
(runs off into distance cackling madly....) I entered the competition to win a brand new Vicki Butler Henderson though.Or was it the MINI?

Mini Me
18th October 2006, 07:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by ELFMAN

Only Me - “did you hear the roar ????? WOW”

ROAR? ROAR? ROAR my @rs*! Get yerself PLAYMINI'D!!!
(runs off into distance cackling madly....) I entered the competition to win a brand new Vicki Butler Henderson though.Or was it the MINI?

Larkhall eh , careful answering yer door :evil::evil::eek::blackeye::p

18th October 2006, 09:05 AM
not a bad roar:cool:but as euan says playmini or jcw uk challenge manifold and system,now theres some real roars and cackles:D:D:D:D:D:D

AndyP & Lenore
18th October 2006, 09:31 AM
Finally watched this weeks episode.

Good review of the Mini. Glad they gave it to Tom Ford to review, at least he can review a car, rather VBH who just seems to scream round a track, squealing like a girly more interested in how good a driver she is.

And good to see Plato back too. Do you reckon they woke up and smelled the coffee - asked him to come back, pretty please?

Overall, still a very poor-mans imitation of Top Gear.


18th October 2006, 11:08 AM
5th gear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uA7e-sB3EQ), also on the page ,something about a Brabus Roadster and a MCS ( cant see it here so I cant say if its good or bad .

18th October 2006, 02:15 PM
quote:Originally posted by N12 JLK

Missed it :disapprove: does anyone know if they will be rerunning it soon!
itsrepeated on a sunday

18th October 2006, 03:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

quote:Originally posted by N12 JLK

Missed it :disapprove: does anyone know if they will be rerunning it soon!
itsrepeated on a sunday
See post above .I think that's the R56 review

18th October 2006, 04:25 PM
Tell you what, it looked great. All the pictures I've seen so far it just looked a bit wrong, but on that it looked pretty good.

Would I have one, possibly. Will need to see if my local dealer actually remembers I'm on his list of people wanting information, seeing as he's promised stuff to me 4 times that I've never seen...

Like has been said, I'm glad Tom did it. But then, he did the original review of the Cooper S (dark silver one) where he basically said - I want one, so he is a bit of fan.

18th October 2006, 04:46 PM
Only Me - “Larkhall - Careful answering my door”??? Why? Are you going out at Hallowe'en? I'll get some Monkey Nuts in then....only kiddin'! Unless of course you were actually having a pop at my home town, in which case I'll have a “Sense of Humour Bypass”. Been there, heard 'em all - for decades. I don't laugh, never did.

Tony - when are you getting a wee decal of the 'Rice Krispies' cartoon men on the back of the MINI? “Snap, Crackle and Pop” THAT would be quite amusing... give us a toot when you go past the shop.

Andy - Don't you DARE have a go at VBH! She can drive a bit AND she's 'sweetly pretty' and I want to 'protect' her. Any girl who squeaks and giggles while putting in a faster lap time than I could is just fine by me. Tom Ford? - That's your boyfriend that is......

Wasn't sure about the new 5th Gear format with the new bloke, but overall I reckon it's OK. Stolen Top Gear's “Smash a Car” type item - and I reckon they should avoid stuff like that, as it's what's wrong with Top Gear. While they have some excellent items, I sometimes feel that TG is in danger of becoming more CARtoon than Car programme - like one of the multitude of 'Clarkson' DVD's. Both programmes could benefit from more road-based tests (like the MINI the other night - but it was far too short!) instead of just blatting round a track on opposte lock - where most of us will never venture. 5th Gear has two aces (to go with the Cafe) up its sleeves with Plato and Needell, and VBH looks (and probably drives) a whole lot better than big Jeremy!

18th October 2006, 05:01 PM
Mate of mine was at a wedding and sat next to VBH at dinner. Apparently (and i'm sorry to spoil the illusion) she apparently wears a TON of makeup on TV.

18th October 2006, 05:20 PM
I could have driven that nissan murano round the track way better than that lassie did. she was crap at driving it.:approve:

As for the cricket guy in his V10 Treg what a sissy I could have roasted him to.:cool:

18th October 2006, 05:53 PM
Ewan brochures and price lists are not available yet. But all the info is on our systems i.e prices, colours, options etc.

18th October 2006, 05:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by Clare1

Ewan brochures and price lists are not available yet. But all the info is on our systems i.e prices, colours, options etc.

This goes back to when the cabrio came out.

At least, I assume your referring to my post, even though you've misspelt my name :)

18th October 2006, 07:06 PM
Euan - Re. VBH “she apparently wears a TON of makeup on TV”. EVERYBODY wears a ton of makeup on TV! Otherwise you look like a corpse. Trust me.

My 'Ex' worked behind the scenes in television, so that's how I found that out. I STILL fancy wee Vicki, made up or not - she's seems to have a fun personality too, which is at least half the battle! To paraphrase the Beatles: “Baby, she can drive my car....”. No illusions. Unfortunately, the Restraining Order she slapped on me has ruined everything.........cow.

18th October 2006, 07:28 PM
Oh, I know they all wear make up, my mate commented that in the flesh she is not nearly as good as real life.

Still, I've only his word on that, and yes, she's still fit :)

19th October 2006, 02:43 AM
quote:Originally posted by Clare1

Ewan brochures and price lists are not available yet. But all the info is on our systems i.e prices, colours, options etc.
They are :p:D,so i read on M2 and NAM;)

AndyP & Lenore
19th October 2006, 05:44 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan

Mate of mine was at a wedding and sat next to VBH at dinner. Apparently (and i'm sorry to spoil the illusion) she apparently wears a TON of makeup on TV.

LOL. That had me chortling for a while.:D:D

Poor Ewan, completely shattered his fantasies.:eek::blackeye::D;)


AndyP & Lenore
19th October 2006, 05:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by ELFMAN

Andy - Don't you DARE have a go at VBH! She can drive a bit AND she's 'sweetly pretty' and I want to 'protect' her. Any girl who squeaks and giggles while putting in a faster lap time than I could is just fine by me. Tom Ford? - That's your boyfriend that is......

Really Ewan.... is that your best defence? Questioning my own sexuality? :D:D No issues there;). VBH may have a nice body, and you're right, she can drive "a bit", but what a squeelie schoolgirl!:eek::blackeye::D

Using my "pint with...." test, I'd rather sit down for a pint with Clarkson than VBH any day.


19th October 2006, 04:27 PM
Would I question your sexuality Andy? Ya Big Butch Borderer. You stick to your “Pint With” test, I'll use my “Rest of the Evening With” test. You're forgetting I'm very single with Werthers to share.

As for my “fantasies being shattered”, that happened years ago when I slipped off my bicycle and hit the crossbar. They were never the same again. Still, it meant I could hit all the high notes in the school choir.I then went on to become the voice of Geddy Lee of popular Canadian rockers, Rush, before assuming my current disguise.

The “Squealie Schoolgirl” is bad because.....???
So do you REALLY fancy Clarkson then? (chortle...).

19th October 2006, 05:01 PM

19th October 2006, 05:07 PM
No comment ...no telly :p

24th October 2006, 07:10 PM
Just watched 5th gear for the first time this series........what a pile of Cr@p!!!!!

Whats the point in Lovejoy....its cringeworthy TV.

24th October 2006, 07:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by KAH

Just watched 5th gear for the first time this series........what a pile of Cr@p!!!!!

Whats the point in Lovejoy....its cringeworthy TV.

It's been getting a bit better of late as well...It was worse!

I just have it on as background while I'm doing something else. At least last night they actually tested some cars!