View Full Version : FAO The Grampian Area Cooper Owners

5th October 2006, 03:20 AM
removed as no longer need - thanks

5th October 2006, 03:24 AM
Didn't catch any of the number plate did you?

5th October 2006, 03:29 AM

5th October 2006, 04:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by Cal

Hi there.............unfortunately not. It was pissing down and after I ascertained he was okay I went on my merry way. The fcat that I never made contact with him meant that it never really occured to me to get his details. Plus the fact he had walked towards where I had pulled over so we were half way between his car and mine. We both had a fair fright so in hindsight I wasn't thinking straight. Hopefully, the police can help - it's taking them an eternity to get back to me.

Thanks again for any help. I want to get my car sprayed asap as it's a good few of the chips are through to the bare metal. I have got a few quotes from James Conn and Reg Vardy and they ain't pretty.


good luck in your quest. I was following a lorry full of gravel I do believe they are meant to have a cover over it. Anyway long and short of it was I was coming up of the A9 Dunbalne bypass taking the exit for Doune and so was he. Lorry turning towards Dunblane me towards Doune as he turned a whole load of gravel came out the top of the lorry all over me car. Went to the police as I had the name of the company they did follow it up with them but do not know the out come me I had to pay for the repairs to my car myself.

5th October 2006, 04:30 AM
I can confirm to you fiona that they are not required to have a cover, although landfills, quarries etc are all taking it into their own hands now and are only issuing materials to those which do have covers.

5th October 2006, 04:36 AM
I'll need to see how things pan out. I have the attending PC's name and shoulder number but that's it for now. Worst case at least I will have a RTA number to use on a claim. I could foot the bill for a chips-away job but these chips are way beyond the magic wand of chips away :(


5th October 2006, 04:44 AM
In my opinion i dont think youll get very far unless that driver contacts and offers to compensate him/herself or you find them. The police as useful as they can be are pretty powerless i think in this situation?

5th October 2006, 04:49 AM
Yeah I hear what you saying................I believe I ought to be able to claim on his insurance policy, after all his car was most likely undriveable so I would imagine he'll be claiming himself. I think the cops will come up trumps but what happens after that remains to be seen. C'est la vie but at least I'll have the RTA report to substantiate my claim

Thanks again

5th October 2006, 04:50 AM
Hopefully, could always be the chance they weren't insured though :(
Hopefully you'll get something out of it

5th October 2006, 06:25 AM
i saw that mini as well and wonder what happen :eek:

PS - Red Mini not grey ..... no front bumper and the rear was in the bushes so i do see the reg plate either :disapprove:

new front bumper and a new pair of pants should do the trick ;)

5th October 2006, 06:28 AM
I reckon he would have sustained some engine damage but it's hard to say. Are Mini's particularly prone to aquaplaning ? This was a perfectly straight piece of road and he swerved violently to the left before fishtailing and losing it...


5th October 2006, 06:36 AM
not really.. it look like we went from one lane to the other to quickly and at bit of road the water run down the hill so it does catch the odd person out...


depend on the tyres he or she had on as well

5th October 2006, 04:13 PM
Got this reply from an insurance type bloke :-

hmmm interesting one. This would be classed as a consequential loss as although you weren't involved in the initial incident you did suffer damage as a direct consequence of it.

The question is proving it as his insurerrs will be looking for proof that the damage was caused in the incident and not at any other time.

Did you point this damage out to the guy at the time of the accdent or to the police officer who attended at the accident scene ? If so then they may have noted it as part of the incident.

if not then sorry but its going to be very difficult to prove that it was part of the same incident unless the mini owner confirms the damage was casued in the accident to his insurers.

As for your question about being hit by partsd from his car, again pretty much the same thing applies abnout proving the damage was casued in the accident.

************************************************** *************************************

I am still awaiting the police to get in touch ! It;s taken them over 48 hrs :(


5th October 2006, 04:15 PM
Might be worth a Call to some of the bodyshops to see if the car has been put in to them for repair.

Might be a thankless task But atleast you will have tried. If the car is in such bad nick as you say then That is where I would start.

Shurely the Police would take a statment from you and get a crime number from there to claim off. and they would have to launch an enquiry.??

Let us know...

So was it grey or red??

5th October 2006, 08:34 PM
RED :approve:

6th October 2006, 03:22 AM
On the aquaplaning note, i have aquaplaned twice, was only doing 60mph on the A8 stretch between showcase cinemas and the eurocentral bridge. There was standing water at some parts and when i hit them and fish tailed (the back end drifted either side both times quite violently), thankfully the road was empty at the time and i was in the "slow" lane otherwise i'd have scraped along the barrier in the middle. At the time i had those Goodyear Eagle NCT 5 Run flats, since i have had my dunlop sp9000 run flats hitting standing water isnt a problem at all.

6th October 2006, 06:01 AM
unless there a set of baldie wan :)

7th October 2006, 01:31 AM
nope, about 7mm tread on em at the time.

10th October 2006, 03:07 AM
Thanks for your help folks.......

Have tracked down the owner and all is well


MODS - please delete this thread :)