View Full Version : All done and dusted!!!

14th September 2006, 06:11 PM
Just wanted to let you know that my chemo is all over and done with and I'm now waiting with bated breath as to what my hair is going to be like when it comes in (I've heard it can be a different colour and either straight or curly!!) Wee ginger bro keeps teasing me about it coming back in like his (ginger and curly) Think I'll settle for the tried and test light brown and staight!!! HEE HEE!!! Hope to see you all on a run soon once I'm looking a bit more human agin!!!! :D

14th September 2006, 06:14 PM
Well Done Kirsty...

hope it doesn't turn out like a kevin keegan perm... ;)

Hope to see you on a run/meet soon. :D

14th September 2006, 06:15 PM
Ah Kirsty, fingers crossed for you :approve:

Big Col
14th September 2006, 06:16 PM
Well done K! You'll be glad that's over with!

By the way...I thought you were already ginger! :eek:

14th September 2006, 07:15 PM
Great stuff Kirsty!

14th September 2006, 07:24 PM
Good news K!

Can't have you turning up at runs with a 'do like mine now can we? :p:p

(at leat I'm not ginger :p:p:p)

Hope it all goes well for you!

14th September 2006, 07:36 PM
All the best Kirsty :D

14th September 2006, 09:03 PM
Good To Hear Your On the All clear.

Maybe Folk will treat you Like Your Normal again instead of with Kid cloves.

Well Good to hear your Still On for the Mini runs( Sounds Painfull "The Mini runs" Hee hee )

Anyways Brilliant News And Well chuffed for you..

Hear from you soon I expect......


14th September 2006, 11:08 PM
Great news Kirsty :DSo very pleased for you, ;)

On a second note, I have great pitty for those with GINGER hair, so I wish you all the best with that.:eek:

15th September 2006, 12:11 AM
:D Good news Kirsty, hopefully see you on a run soonish, depending on how long the ginger hair takes to come through... ;) just kidding.

Mini Martyn
15th September 2006, 12:43 AM
It could be worse you could be a short arse too!! ;):D

All the best though Kirsty.

15th September 2006, 02:36 AM
HEE HEE!!! Briliant thank you all so much!!! If it is ginger (no disrespect to those of the ginger persuasion) The dye and the straightners WILL be coming out!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!!! Taller than LnL and not as shiney!!! ;)

15th September 2006, 05:14 AM
Great news Kirsty. :approve::D:D:D

15th September 2006, 05:18 AM
TOOT TOOT !!! Great news kid :):approve:and dont worry about the hair ...it might be the new you , who knows !!...or you can always keep the Tea Cosy ;):D


16th September 2006, 04:38 AM
Orra best K ;)

16th September 2006, 04:42 AM
Dont worry about the hair, your on the mend thats all theat matters;)