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12th September 2006, 04:27 AM
on when or if The Italian Job2 is coming out, was talk of it being called the Brazilian Job or am i just thinking of a waxing process woman get before they go on holiday;)

AndyP & Lenore
12th September 2006, 04:35 AM
It is called the Brazilian Job. The films status on IMDB Pro has just been updated to say "Scripting". Which I guess means they've paid someone to sit down and come up with a draft script. Basically it's slated for a 2008 release. Very vague, but that's Hollywood.:(


12th September 2006, 07:09 AM
i guess it will be starting the new shape mini if it's 2008 ;)

15th September 2006, 10:48 AM
Charlie Croker and his fellow crew of expert thieves head to Rio de Janeiro to pull off another heist in this follow up to The Italian Job.(Sept 2008)
Lotsa rumors that this movie will have no Minis. It will probably go the manufacturer that wants to shell out the most moolah "
I agree that for us the Minis are a very important character but I dunno if the rest of the world feels that way plus with all the great publicity Mini got out of it you can bet plenty of other manufacturers are lining up with their checkbooks out.
I also read on another website that Paramount Pictures tried to get Mini to go into a joint advertising venture with them before the release of the remake of the Italian Job but Mini refused & basically sat back & took the free publicity. So....I am thinking chances for Minis in the Brazilian Job are slim to none but we can always hope