View Full Version : advice on selling my mini

11th September 2006, 06:32 AM
Im looking to sell my mini within the next 3 weeks. Does anyone hsve any advice on wheres best to sell my mini. its in the for sale section. 55 plate cooper s

11th September 2006, 06:44 AM
ebay - a classified ad.

or just stick a sign on the window - thats where i'm getting most interest from just now!

11th September 2006, 07:31 AM

i sold a car on ebay a year or two back. It worked out really well for me.

11th September 2006, 10:25 PM
Try dealers
They appear to be short of good quality used cooper s
I banted mine about several and was offered bottom book at only one and opted for close to top book at Fairbairns Glasgow (Before I had purchased a Beemer from them)
Most of the dealers will have somebody in mind for a good used one and can usually offer good money or point you in the direction of someone who wants it.
It worked for me

11th September 2006, 10:36 PM
Try VB he's always on the look out for a car , well he seems to say he is !!:p:D

12th September 2006, 05:29 AM
I've got a great idea.

Don't sell it, it's tooooo good.:disapprove:

12th September 2006, 06:09 AM
quote:Originally posted by N12 JLK

I've got a great idea.

Don't sell it, it's tooooo good.:disapprove:

I second that motion...:D

12th September 2006, 07:05 AM
quote:Originally posted by gill

quote:Originally posted by N12 JLK

I've got a great idea.

Don't sell it, it's tooooo good.:disapprove:

I second that motion...:D

Thirds :D:D:D