View Full Version : Now That's Embarrassing: Ch5 TV show .

AndyP & Lenore
2nd September 2006, 08:18 AM
Anyone watch this?

A nostalgic look at the most embarrassing things of the 80's. Being 80's Teenagers it was compulsive viewing for Lenore and I.

Lenore had to admit to wearing leg-warmers (over jeans), and I always fancied a Sinclair C5! Mum and Dad's first mobile phone was hideously brick-like too, but it looked so cool - or so I thought at the time.:I:D

So, come on.... who's still whistling along: "Grandma, we love you......" :I:D;)


2nd September 2006, 08:34 AM
Excellent, watched it and cringed :I not that i ever wore leg warmers :p

AndyP & Lenore
2nd September 2006, 08:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

Excellent, watched it and cringed :I not that i ever wore leg warmers :p

Funny. I can just see you in a pair of purple and pink.:D:D;)

Actually, I've never met you:( so I have no idea what you look like.:eek::D

2nd September 2006, 04:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore
Actually, I've never met you:( so I have no idea what you look like.:eek::D:eek: and you think i'd wear leg warmers 8):p

2nd September 2006, 05:28 PM
Canny remember the 80's;) as Im soooo young:clown:

3rd September 2006, 03:48 AM
I wasn't allowed leg warmers in primary school!:eek::D

3rd September 2006, 06:27 AM
Use too hide behind the sofa because of that awful program called "FAME" :eek: