View Full Version : modern mini now Subscribe online !!

1st September 2006, 10:03 PM
just went on 2 the modern mini and i see u can now Subscribe online :D i have just done this :D:D not miss one now !!!! went 2 pick up my copy 2 day and had sold out:mad: so thats me sorted now:D:D

2nd September 2006, 12:00 AM
Good Rob , I can get a read now for free :p;)

2nd September 2006, 05:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by stone

just went on 2 the modern mini and i see u can now Subscribe online :D i have just done this :D:D not miss one now !!!! went 2 pick up my copy 2 day and had sold out:mad: so thats me sorted now:D:D

Any chance of a link so others can subscribe too, i have never even saw it anywhere ;)

2nd September 2006, 06:08 PM
quote:Originally posted by Hadi
Any chance of a link so others can subscribe too, i have never even saw it anywhere ;)Modern Mini (http://www.modernmini.co.uk/)