View Full Version : MINI CDPlayers - are they all MP3 capable?

30th August 2006, 04:52 AM
Quick question...as title....

Looking for a CD head unit... and need to know if they allread MP3s,,

Thanks guys

30th August 2006, 05:00 AM
Simple answer - no

ISTR its the BOOST CD headunits that are MP3 and i think WMA compatible are from the facelifted models onwards.

The 2001 BOOST unit I had didnt play them, but my 2005 BOOST does.

30th August 2006, 05:54 AM
I think late 2005 was standard mp3 ,when they stopped fitting tape decks as the norm .

30th August 2006, 06:18 AM
My Cooper was a February 2005 Build, and is MP3 compatible.

30th August 2006, 06:22 AM
Hey ,what's a few months ;):p

30th August 2006, 06:36 AM
Thanks Guys...

Is it easy to identify which ones do and dont?

I see two versions on fleabay... the front panels are quite different...

Would it be as easy as that?


30th August 2006, 06:52 AM
This one, has the smaller on/off Volume control, and was fitted to the 2001 One that wasn't MP3


Item number: 150026136148

The other that i can see is this one


That's item number 230022500840, and has the same facia as my 2005 MP3 able one.

Other than that, I couldn't say for definite just by looking at them.
Perhaps if you got the part number, a friendly MINI dealer could tell you.

30th August 2006, 08:14 PM
Yes the 1st pic (older model) does not play MP3 and the 2nd pic (new model) does play MP3. At least thats the case with my cars anyway.

31st August 2006, 01:40 AM
Mine's an August 04 build and plays them and looks like the 2nd picture. Fischer Price stereo - but I like it - its easy for anybody to use.

1st September 2006, 08:38 PM
Thanks Guys...really appreciate the steer...

Ebay prices vary a lot - some of the later ones go for anything from £55-£120...

Not sure at £120 I would spend the money... probably go for an aftermarket player...

I guess its worth a shout in the wanteds....


6th September 2006, 12:32 AM
ive got a 2006 boost chili pack cd . if you copy mp3 files onto a cd then oput it in the cd plasyed they will run. only problem is the track and artist name dont come up but you can get loads on one cd.