View Full Version : pigon's well whats left of it !!!!!

11th August 2006, 06:41 PM
well was out doing a rese of my run:D on wens night was going along a back road having a bit of fun :eek:in my s as i was going along at a fair speed 8)came round a corner and on 2 a longish straghit bit of road ther was some pigons on the road which most had fly away but one left it a wee bit 2 late !!! and i colected him with my windscrean:mad::eek: what a thud it made so i looked in my rear veiw mirror all i could see was feathers all over the road and in the air :p:p

2 my serprize there was no damage 2 my car :D but a lot of s**t all over my windscreen :mad:

well as for mini vs pigon MINI winns :D:D

11th August 2006, 08:00 PM
I Did that the other week was Strange Totally Whacked off ma screen and I expected to have a Dent in teh rof But Nowt.

So make that Score
MINI 2 Pigeon 0

11th August 2006, 08:53 PM
I did this once on the A90, there was seed/grain spilt over the road at various intervals. Crows were having a free meal so When I approached I tooted me horn, then Justine said, you dont need to do that, they will fly off as you approach. I disagreed but however I took her advice. well you know what happened at the next flock of crows.

THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP. looked in my mirror to see a crow shower, nasty :blackeye: Car was blood and feathers :(

Neil and Lorna
11th August 2006, 09:06 PM
Hit a pheasant on the Borders run last year.
Took its head clean of with the front spoiler.

So its MINI 3 Pidgeon 0 Pheasant 0.:D:D


Duncan Stewart
11th August 2006, 09:12 PM
A bird flew out of a hedge into the top of my windscreen at Christmas - left a damaged screen surround and dented roof :(:evil::dead::blackeye:
Dunno what the bird was but bigger that a pigeon :mad:

Glad your Mini is OK Rob :D

11th August 2006, 09:32 PM
is that what's on the menu for Cadgers Brae :eek::eek::eek::eek:

12th August 2006, 04:17 AM
i think i was lucky as it hit the pasanger side of my windscrean it think if it hit the middle it would have done some reall damage !!!!

12th August 2006, 05:43 AM
eeewwww @ pigeons....i take it you have yer recce all done noo Rob!?:D

12th August 2006, 07:28 PM
most of it just afew wee bits was going 2 give u a phone once ur back off hols have a good time bye the way :p