View Full Version : Convoy to Heart of The Borders Run Sun 27th Aug

8th August 2006, 01:21 AM
We aim to be in Selkirk (at Dunedin MINI) for 10:00hrs for a 10:30hrs departure... So....

Convoy from Stirling Services, Leaving @ 08:30hrs.
How to get there.... http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=56.0728&lon=-3.9207&scale=50000&icon=x

1. Craig & Jude
2. Tree73 (maybe Perth)
3. Scottiecoop
4. Lesley, Jason & Kerr
5. MarkyC
6. Crombers
7. Indigomatt

Convoy rendevous at Hermiston Gait, Leaving @ 09:00hrs.
How to get there.... http://ukw.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=55.9255&lon=-3.3086&scale=25000&icon=x

1. Duncan S & Helen
2. Sedgie
3. Weefossy
4. Gill
5. Jayex
6. Angel-mini

Convoy from Hamilton Services, Leaving @ 8:15hrs (Sweeney in Charge :eek::eek:;))
How to get there.... http://ukw.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=55.7875&lon=-4.0365&scale=25000&icon=x

1. Sweeney
2. X30YES
3. Stone
4. Minimad
5. Gordons_cooper_wrks

If anyone is doing a convoy from anywhere else to meet up at any of the locations, let me know and I'll update the thread.



AndyP & Lenore
8th August 2006, 01:23 AM


8th August 2006, 01:26 AM
Sunday the 23rd Aug :D . are you sure it's not the 27th :evil::D:p

8th August 2006, 01:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by PACMAN

Sunday the 23rd Aug :D . are you sure it's not the 27th :evil::D:p

don't know what your talking about.... :I

8th August 2006, 01:29 AM
:D That's better :approve:

8th August 2006, 02:55 AM
Anyone going through Perth on the sunday morning if not count me in for Stirling cheers.

8th August 2006, 03:36 AM
I'll be at stirling :)

Duncan Stewart
8th August 2006, 03:39 AM
Hermie Gate for Helen and I please :D

8th August 2006, 03:43 AM
Hermiston Gait for me:)....if ok with you Duncan....i'll follow you n Helen throu...i on my own for this run!:(:I:)

8th August 2006, 03:53 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

I'll be at stirling :)
No you wont ..your doing the hamilton pick up via H /Gate ;):p:D

8th August 2006, 03:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by sedgie

Hermiston Gait for me:)....if ok with you Duncan....i'll follow you n Helen throu...i on my own for this run!:(:I:)
least you'll no have fur and fluff fleeing then !!:D

8th August 2006, 03:56 AM
quote:Originally posted by X30YES

quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

I'll be at stirling :)
No you wont ..your doing the hamilton pick up via H /Gate ;):p:D

change made for you Angus - what time ? ? ;)

8th August 2006, 03:59 AM

8th August 2006, 04:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by X30YES

quote:Originally posted by sedgie

Hermiston Gait for me:)....if ok with you Duncan....i'll follow you n Helen throu...i on my own for this run!:(:I:)
least you'll no have fur and fluff fleeing then !!:D

NOOOO just music as loud as i want!...n can put my foot down if i want!......no earache!:p:p;):D

8th August 2006, 04:00 AM
08;00..... and its Sweeney who is the Daddy on this one Craig :p..he has to start sometime eh!! ?:p:D
ps you have mail re sig

8th August 2006, 04:19 AM
Anyone prepared for a secnic detour trying to find hermiston gate? via carlisle? If im in charge thats what'll happen... Angus just so you know, i get lost trying to find larkhall and i also got lost on my way back from coatbridge to bothwell... given that my dad, brother and work is in airdrie and i go by and through coatbridge everyweek :p

I'll let you decide what you wanna do :p

8th August 2006, 04:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

Anyone prepared for a secnic detour trying to find hermiston gate? via carlisle? If im in charge thats what'll happen... Angus just so you know, i get lost trying to find larkhall and i also got lost on my way back from coatbridge to bothwell... given that my dad, brother and work is in airdrie and i go by and through coatbridge everyweek :p

I'll let you decide what you wanna do :p


8th August 2006, 04:23 AM
Nah; i'm not a sh***bag... Just being honest...

Prime example was the roundabout at our last stop yesterday... Who ended up on the way to stirling while eveyrone else seemed to find the car park ok? When i turned round it also took me 4 junctions to find it...

8th August 2006, 04:36 AM
I have made the choice for you :p;)....its as easy as easy as getting lost
Hamilton M74 north..M8 east :p, Edinburgh, no worries mate see Arbraoth pick ups etc ...I will help you ;)

8th August 2006, 04:38 AM
i will be at hamalton 2 i will bring a map if sweeney is in charge we will need it :p

8th August 2006, 04:40 AM
Brave decision, but i look forward to it haha you lot don't know what your letting yourselves into... muhaha :evil:

8th August 2006, 04:55 AM
i do mate u tryed 2 lead back from arbroth with a sat nav and still got lost ;)

8th August 2006, 04:55 AM
It was the satnavs fault i tell thee!

AndyP & Lenore
8th August 2006, 04:56 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

It was the satnavs fault i tell thee!

Thats a typical mans answer.;):D

8th August 2006, 04:58 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

It was the satnavs fault i tell thee!

Thats a typical mans answer.;):D

no just a typical sweeney answer :p

8th August 2006, 04:58 AM
Seriously, was thinking my car was amphibious, regardless of the fact it was correct in the end. It was not me! ;)

Oi as for typical sweeney your damn right! "If i aint right, your wrong!" :D

8th August 2006, 05:22 AM
well thats moore wrong than right in ur cace then mate

8th August 2006, 05:25 AM
right? doesn't that mean your wrong? Because if im wrong your wrong but not right. Are you wrong or am i right?

AndyP & Lenore
8th August 2006, 05:37 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

right? doesn't that mean your wrong? Because if im wrong your wrong but not right. Are you wrong or am i right?



8th August 2006, 05:39 AM
If your wrong, that means im not right. if im wrong you're not right, right?


8th August 2006, 05:40 AM
Could we kindly stay on topic please :p:D

8th August 2006, 05:44 AM
you are both wrong and i am right well that what i say :)

me be wrong never:p (i wish :evil:)

AndyP & Lenore
8th August 2006, 05:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

Could we kindly stay on topic please :p:D

Would love to post this wee smiley: http://www.x5world.com/images/smilies/HiFlip.gif But as you're a MOD that would seem rude, so I won't.:I

Point taken though. What was it they said about glass houses and stones.:clown:

It's just that frikking Sweeney, he really gets under your fingernails.;)


8th August 2006, 05:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore
It's just that frikking Sweeney, he really gets under your fingernails.;):D still, a fair point to all including me :I there is an off topic and banter thread for all things, well, erm, off topic :)

8th August 2006, 05:54 AM
quote:Originall posted by AndyP&LenoreIt's just that frikking Sweeney, he really gets under your fingernails.;)

aka Detective Inspector Regan or maybe he is more Roy from Roy's Rolls.

Sorry Andy off topic but I just had to:kiss::kiss::D

8th August 2006, 08:51 AM
hamilton for me please

8th August 2006, 04:27 PM
Put me in for leaving from Hermiston gate.

Thanks Craig.

8th August 2006, 05:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

Anyone prepared for a secnic detour trying to find hermiston gate? via carlisle? If im in charge thats what'll happen... Angus just so you know, i get lost trying to find larkhall and i also got lost on my way back from coatbridge to bothwell... given that my dad, brother and work is in airdrie and i go by and through coatbridge everyweek :p

I'll let you decide what you wanna do :p
its here (http://ukw.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=318500.087162456&Y=671000.51733434&width=700&height=400&gride=318327.087162456&gridn=671043.51733434&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&keepicon=&zm=1&scale=25000)..end of the M8 the blue Mway that runs east to west ;)

8th August 2006, 05:58 PM
that's the front page updated.;)

I am away from today til Friday pm :D:D:D, so this will not be updated during that time.

I will update it on my return :approve::approve:

9th August 2006, 02:21 AM
och you love me really andy 8), you'd be lost without me. No one to moan about etc ;) :clown:

9th August 2006, 05:47 AM
Leaving from Sunny Penicuik to drive directly down to Selkirk will be Sarah and Ian in their cars respectively.

10th August 2006, 04:37 AM
We'll be at Hermi gate. See you all there.

13th August 2006, 04:40 AM
Me , Stirling , cheers :approve:;)

14th August 2006, 01:26 AM
hi. can you add me to the list for hamilton please. i take i we leave the services at 8.15?. thanx:cool:

14th August 2006, 01:41 AM
we will do prob be best geting there for 8 as sweeney is leading and that will be fun :)

14th August 2006, 01:46 AM
quote:Originally posted by stone

we will do prob be best geting there for 8 as sweeney is leading and that will be fun :)

14th August 2006, 01:52 AM
why do you say that . what have i got to look forward to ???:D. do you know where i can get the run notes for this run. are we just going straight down to selkirk or what. ta:D

AndyP & Lenore
14th August 2006, 02:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by Gordons_cooper_wrks

why do you say that . what have i got to look forward to ???:D. do you know where i can get the run notes for this run. are we just going straight down to selkirk or what. ta:D

There won't be notes for the convoy from Hamilton to Selkirk, but there will be notes for the run. See the main run thread for details. Page 10.

14th August 2006, 02:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by Gordons_cooper_wrks

why do you say that . what have i got to look forward to ???:D. do you know where i can get the run notes for this run. are we just going straight down to selkirk or what. ta:D
Lets just say I could be entertaining ...something like an old treasure hunt or mystery tour :D( is that a good idea for a run )

Hamilton pick up here (http://ukw.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=318500.087162456&Y=671000.51733434&width=700&height=400&gride=318327.087162456&gridn=671043.51733434&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&keepicon=&zm=1&scale=25000)

14th August 2006, 02:20 AM
emmm that looks like edinburgh pick up!:p

14th August 2006, 02:22 AM
quote:Originally posted by sedgie

emmm that looks like edinburgh pick up!:p
So it is ...I did say it was going to be entertaining !!!!!

14th August 2006, 02:23 AM

14th August 2006, 02:28 AM
BP Svs Hamilton (http://ukw.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=55.7875&lon=-4.0365&scale=25000&icon=x)...well it just at the other end of the Edinburgh pick up !!!

14th August 2006, 03:31 AM
update made to the first post to show a map of the meet up points for those who haven't a clue... ;):D

14th August 2006, 08:09 AM
If I'm leaving from ABZ which convoy should I join? Stirling or Hamilton? Ha ha think I will be up and leaving home before I've got to my bed :D:D:D:D

AndyP & Lenore
14th August 2006, 08:11 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

If I'm leaving from ABZ which convoy should I join? Stirling or Hamilton? Ha ha think I will be up and leaving home before I've got to my bed :D:D:D:D

Sheilz, I would imagine you'd be better just joining in at Hermiston Gait. No point going further west to Stirling. Up to you though.:D


14th August 2006, 03:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

If I'm leaving from ABZ which convoy should I join? Stirling or Hamilton? Ha ha think I will be up and leaving home before I've got to my bed :D:D:D:D

Agree with AndyP. I would just go down over the forth road bridge and meet up at Hermiston Gait.. :D

14th August 2006, 03:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

If I'm leaving from ABZ which convoy should I join? Stirling or Hamilton? Ha ha think I will be up and leaving home before I've got to my bed :D:D:D:D

Sheilz, I would imagine you'd be better just joining in at Hermiston Gait. No point going further west to Stirling. Up to you though.:D

I think Sheilz was making a joke Guys about where to be picked up etc !!!!!!;):D:D:p

15th August 2006, 06:00 AM
Craig, I have had to pull out as posted on andy's thread. Hopefully
see you all on a run at some point this year.....hopefully.

15th August 2006, 06:41 AM
sorry to hear that mate... hopefully see you again soon :approve:

17th August 2006, 06:56 AM
Where's Hermiston Gate?:I:I

AndyP & Lenore
17th August 2006, 07:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

Where's Hermiston Gate?:I:I

It's a retail park just off the Edinburgh City Bypass (A720), at the very end of the M8 where it joins the City Bypass.

There's a multimap link to see where it is on the first page of the thread.


james f
17th August 2006, 07:37 AM
what the route from hermiston as if your going round the a702 then the a7 will meet you lot near esk bank

AndyP & Lenore
17th August 2006, 07:58 AM
quote:Originally posted by charlie croaker

what the route from hermiston as if your going round the a702 then the a7 will meet you lot near esk bank

Pretty sure Craig is leading you all round the A720 bypass, then onto the A7, then down through Gala into Selkirk.

james f
17th August 2006, 08:25 AM
cool will probs wait on the brige at the dreghorn exit and look for a line of minis

17th August 2006, 03:26 PM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by charlie croaker

what the route from hermiston as if your going round the a702 then the a7 will meet you lot near esk bank

Pretty sure Craig is leading you all round the A720 bypass, then onto the A7, then down through Gala into Selkirk.

Yep, that's exactly the way we are going.... :D

20th August 2006, 05:10 PM
Now that we're on the run - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! we will meet with the others at Hermiston Gait (is that the same place we met with Craig, etc on the F&M day???).

See you guys there next Sunday!:D:D:D:D:D

21st August 2006, 03:56 AM
quote:Originally posted by gill

Now that we're on the run - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! we will meet with the others at Hermiston Gait (is that the same place we met with Craig, etc on the F&M day???).

See you guys there next Sunday!:D:D:D:D:D

Gill, nope, that was at South Queensferry... If you come over the bridge, take the A8000 (which is first left after coming over the bridge and up to the roundabout). Take this onto the M9, then head onto the M8 for Edinburgh (Under the Newbridge roundabout - signposted city bypass A720). when you get to the end of this road, that is you at the Hermiston Gait Roundabout. The retail park is the other side of the roundabout (2nd exit).

I'll PM you my mobile number, just in case you do a sweeney... ;)

21st August 2006, 04:09 AM

21st August 2006, 04:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by craigd

quote:Originally posted by gill

Now that we're on the run - YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! we will meet with the others at Hermiston Gait (is that the same place we met with Craig, etc on the F&M day???).

See you guys there next Sunday!:D:D:D:D:D

Gill, nope, that was at South Queensferry... If you come over the bridge, take the A8000 (which is first left after coming over the bridge and up to the roundabout). Take this onto the M9, then head onto the M8 for Edinburgh (Under the Newbridge roundabout - signposted city bypass A720). when you get to the end of this road, that is you at the Hermiston Gait Roundabout. The retail park is the other side of the roundabout (2nd exit).

I'll PM you my mobile number, just in case you do a sweeney... ;)

Cheers for that Craig...i now have my directions!.....dinnae want tae dae a sweeney:clown:;):D

21st August 2006, 04:44 AM
Thanks Craig :D:D:D

22nd August 2006, 05:26 AM
Just to clarify, is this where im looking to be heading for to get to hermiston retail park?

If it is, i will still get lost so don't worry about that just want to clarify exactly where im not going to end up. :D

AndyP & Lenore
22nd August 2006, 05:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

Just to clarify, is this where im looking to be heading for to get to hermiston retail park?
If it is, i will still get lost so don't worry about that just want to clarify exactly where im not going to end up. :D

Spot On, young man.:D

22nd August 2006, 05:35 AM
Right, so everyone who i am leading, when i take the wrong junction just head for there! ;)

Hopefully see you this side of winter then :D

22nd August 2006, 08:18 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

Right, so everyone who i am leading, when i take the wrong junction just head for there! ;)

Hopefully see you this side of winter then :D
Just keep looking in the rear view mirror ,that way if you take the wrong turning /junction ,at least you will see lots of :D:D:D and a few waves and the odd Winston Churchill :p;):D

22nd August 2006, 04:13 PM
Convoy rendevous at Hermiston Gait, Leaving @ 09:00hrs. for me please :D:D... oh i cant wait :p

22nd August 2006, 04:40 PM
Morning...could you add me to the list as meeting the convoy @ Stirling Services :D I take it it's the normal meet up place at t' big carpark/small shop thing nr the about'around...:p (no wonder sometimes I get lost, or is that the drink ;))

What route are we taking after's :question:

AndyP & Lenore
22nd August 2006, 06:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by indigomatt

What route are we taking after's :question:

You will be heading down to Hermiston Gait to meet the next part of the convoy, then you will be travelling down the A7 to Selkirk.:D

22nd August 2006, 07:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by indigomatt

What route are we taking after's :question:

You will be heading down to Hermiston Gait to meet the next part of the convoy, then you will be travelling down the A7 to Selkirk.:D

Thanks :) jus wanted to work out if I could make the run on one tank o' gas? :D:D:D

AndyP & Lenore
22nd August 2006, 10:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by indigomatt

quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

quote:Originally posted by indigomatt

What route are we taking after's :question:

You will be heading down to Hermiston Gait to meet the next part of the convoy, then you will be travelling down the A7 to Selkirk.:D

Thanks :) jus wanted to work out if I could make the run on one tank o' gas? :D:D:D

Honestly no idea. It depends on many factors; how hard you drive the car, how far you have to go to get to the convoy meet up, etc., etc.

The actual run from Selkirk to Lauder is 120.9 miles.;)


AndyP & Lenore
23rd August 2006, 05:38 AM
FAO Shielz:

Do you know if you are joining a convoy? Or just heading down to Selkirk on your own?


23rd August 2006, 05:57 AM
it has been suggested that the time for depart from hamilton should be 08:00, this still does not take into account the extra half hour for me to navigate carlisle as i got lost though ;)

Can you please amend.

AndyP & Lenore
23rd August 2006, 06:08 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

it has been suggested that the time for depart from hamilton should be 08:00, this still does not take into account the extra half hour for me to navigate carlisle as i got lost though ;)

Can you please amend.

Sweeney, I think Craig's just hit the sack. No doubt he'll update it tomorrow.:D


Edit: Before anyone claims Craig and I are having a poofey affair, I knew he was going to bed 'cos we were having a text conversation and he said so.;)

23rd August 2006, 06:10 AM
anyone know what the weather is for this trip

23rd August 2006, 06:12 AM
at the min looks to be 11/12 degrees light drizzle in the morning evening some heavy rain

AndyP & Lenore
23rd August 2006, 06:15 AM
BBC News website says dry and sunny.:D

23rd August 2006, 06:16 AM
bbc lies. im right your wrong. :clown:


AndyP & Lenore
23rd August 2006, 06:16 AM
But I doubt we'll reach the highs of this from last year....


Pic courtesy of Duncan Stewart.;)

Neil and Lorna
23rd August 2006, 07:06 AM
What 1200 revs :eek::eek:surely we will be going faster than that.;);)


25th August 2006, 04:23 AM
I saw the weather tonight on the beachgrove garden (DONT LAUGH!!!). Looks like it will be dry all day in the east with a wee bit of sunshine if we are lucky. Duno the temp though. :cool:

AndyP & Lenore
25th August 2006, 04:33 AM
quote:Originally posted by Gordons_cooper_wrks

I saw the weather tonight on the beachgrove garden (DONT LAUGH!!!). Looks like it will be dry all day in the east with a wee bit of sunshine if we are lucky. Duno the temp though. :cool:

OK. Wont laugh.

Not laughing.

Sorry, cant hold it in.
