View Full Version : is this global warming

18th July 2006, 11:13 PM
or just a natural cycle the earth goes through

34c here SE London

maybe 4x4's are cause

18th July 2006, 11:24 PM
wow about 27c in larkhall near hamolton

18th July 2006, 11:39 PM
It's been a constant 26 Degrees in my office so far this week.
Found a big electric fan in the 'junk' cupboard. With that on it's STILL sitting at 24!

Feck knows what it's like in the Sun Trap out the back of the Art College... Hmm.. <pops open cold can of Coke>... I might just have to go out and see! :cool::cool:

AndyP & Lenore
19th July 2006, 12:24 AM
31.5c in Gala yesterday.:(

All we can say is BRING ON THE RAIN.:D:D:D

19th July 2006, 12:31 AM
It'll come andy don't you worry, canny wait till the big thunderstorm(s) that's going to result from this really warm and humid weather!

AndyP & Lenore
19th July 2006, 12:35 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

It'll come andy don't you worry, canny wait till the big thunderstorm(s) that's going to result from this really warm and humid weather!

Yeah, according to Metcheck we can expext them to start tomorrow night.http://www.x5world.com/images/smilies/LemansX5/excited.gif

19th July 2006, 12:42 AM
cold and pishin it doon up here as usual :(:(

19th July 2006, 12:52 AM
i'd rather that than this hot weather

AndyP & Lenore
19th July 2006, 12:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sweeney

i'd rather that than this hot weather


19th July 2006, 01:20 AM
Plus, the whole assumption that good weather is only hot and sunny. Is it doof :p

As the great billy connolly said: "In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes!"

19th July 2006, 01:21 AM
well lnl if u take a pint glass of ice and sit it in front of the fan it will blow cold air !! :)

19th July 2006, 01:26 AM
Good idea! It's been 30 / 86 at my desk for most of today.....

19th July 2006, 03:41 AM
33.5 at my desk yesterday......not enjoyable what so ever!

19th July 2006, 04:49 AM
Oh come on you miserable old feckers !!!!!:dead: Go eat an ice cream and dry your eyes

This is what its all about, hot summer days, so what if your hot at work, thats only 8 or so hours a day, you have the evenings and weekends to enjoy, Jeeez never happy.

Wanting rain my ass :blackeye:

19th July 2006, 04:52 AM
well thats the joy of working at a deask i was in a big tin hut so just nice inside i am one of the lucky ones but then agine in the winter it about -2 most of the time :)

19th July 2006, 06:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Oh come on you miserable old feckers !!!!!:dead: Go eat an ice cream and dry your eyes

This is what its all about, hot summer days, so what if your hot at work, thats only 8 or so hours a day, you have the evenings and weekends to enjoy, Jeeez never happy.

Wanting rain my ass :blackeye:

Too right! Tho my 8hour day is a damned sight longer than that:( Found the perfect solution tho :approve: Avoid eye contact with my boss, mumble about lots of paperwork, too much noise in the office and clear off home to get peace n quiet :approve: And yes I absolutely do have to drive past Lunan beach to get to my hoose:p:approve::D:D:D

Big Col
19th July 2006, 02:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Oh come on you miserable old feckers !!!!!:dead: Go eat an ice cream and dry your eyes

This is what its all about, hot summer days, so what if your hot at work, thats only 8 or so hours a day, you have the evenings and weekends to enjoy, Jeeez never happy.

Wanting rain my ass :blackeye:

I don't have to bother writing the post I was going to as I couldn't say it better than this myself! :D

19th July 2006, 05:30 PM
I'm not one to complain about the weaather, but it is very hot. Yesterday got a train to Coventry (I know, I get all the glamorous jobs!) and there was no air con in a couple of coaches. As it's a new Virgin train, there is no air circulation! Fortunately they saw sense and opened a first class carriage up (nice seats!). Then I had to get the tube, a more manageable 47 degrees, filled with sweaty people, right up close and in your face as everybody wanted to spend as little time there as possible.

Ah well, just had to come home, get out into the garden with a beer and sit on my deck which I finished last week :) In saying all that, I'm going into the office soon, it's too hot to work at home and I need the air con!

19th July 2006, 05:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by s700ony

well lnl if u take a pint glass of ice and sit it in front of the fan it will blow cold air !! :)

I'll give that a try if it gets wamer today! :cool::D

Absolutely LOVING this hot spell, it's just a wee bit stuffy in here.
If only the wireless project was a wee bit further along.. I'd be sitting outside the SU with an ice cold beer and the me new wireless laptop! :cool::cool::cool::D:D

19th July 2006, 06:07 PM
Its great ,for sitting on the deck in my garden :p...stop moaning you lot :eek:, you'll be screaming next month or so when its chucking it down wont you :D:D:D

19th July 2006, 07:46 PM
I was so warm Yesterday 30C that i ended up getting out of the office and sitting in My car with the Aircon on!!!!!:D

19th July 2006, 09:42 PM
That's my plan - sit in the car with air con on and my laptop plugged into the 12V socket!

20th July 2006, 03:09 AM
I wasn't complaining about the heat and sun, I LOVE IT! I was complaining about WORKING in it...... difference! :D

20th July 2006, 08:07 AM
To follow on from Smurf, I'm not complaining about the heat, I'm compaining about sleeping in it! It's now 6 past midnight and it's 30.5 inside my house!

Big Col
20th July 2006, 02:56 PM
Open a window then! :D

20th July 2006, 05:28 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
Open a window then! :D

Cheers Col, helful as ever :)