View Full Version : Matarazzi Insult Revealed! *contains rude words!*

13th July 2006, 05:57 PM
Materazzi was seen to hold Zidane's shirt on the edge of the penalty box
in extra-time at which point Zidane said

"if you want my shirt so bad you can have it"

Materazzi responded

"I dont want your shirt you m*****-f*****. you're a f****** old man"

As they jog away Zidane is seen to laugh at this and it is unclear how
he responded due to him having his back to the TV camera

Materazzi then hit a volley of abuse

"you should've quit 2 years ago, you're a f****** has-been"

"m*****-f*****! your mum is a f****** muslim terrorist and you are too,
f*** you old man f*** you"

"old man, this arena is not for you anymore m***** f*****"

Zidane carries on jogging away

"you are only good enough for Rangers now" It's at this very point
turned and head-butted him.


13th July 2006, 10:52 PM
Hahaha!! Fantastic!! Everything always reverts to abusing Rangers......love it:D

13th July 2006, 11:55 PM
Try this http://www.mgtu.procentr.org/prikol/zidane.swf

14th July 2006, 12:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by john

Try this http://www.mgtu.procentr.org/prikol/zidane.swf
